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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: listener.log analysis
Just to clarify, you CAN select from a flat file in If I can find the URL of the article on how to do it I'll post it up to the list.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 6:02 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
This would really be helpful to me. Because I was also working on installing a new version of a garment design apps's oracle client on pcs and wanted to find when users login, from which machine, etc.
Would post it if I need improve it :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jesse, Rich []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 3:27 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: listener.log analysis
> Hey all,
> We need to change our users' SQLNET.ORA files, so I was asked
> to pick 10 guinea pigs. I figured I'd ask the most active
> users since they are more likely to encounter problems if any
> should arise. Since there are multiple DBs to connect to on
> the primary DB server, I thought I'd turn to listener.log.
> The only prewritten util I've found to analyze the
> listener.log was an awk script posted here back in November
> '02, but I had problems running it on HP/UX 11.0 (sorry, John
> H.!), so I turned to the database. Since we're on, I
> don't have the chance to use external files, and I didn't
> want to UTL_FILE it since we rotate our listener logs daily
> and I also didn't want to allow devs access (via UTL_FILE_DIR
> init.ora parameter and an instance
> bounce) to accidentally write to that directory and fill our
> $ORACLE_HOME partition. So, I tried SQueaL*Loader. Here's
> what I came up with:
> --------------------
> The DB table:
> (
> )
> --------------------
> The SQueaL*Loader file:
> load data
> infile '/tmp/listener.log'
> badfile 'listener.err'
> append
> into table listener_log
> when (43) = 'Q'
> trailing nullcols
> (timestamp position(1:20) date "DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS",
> skip1 FILLER char terminated by '=',
> sidname enclosed by "(SID=" and ")",
> skip2 FILLER char terminated by "=",
> program enclosed by "(PROGRAM=" and ")",
> hostname enclosed by "(HOST=" and ")",
> osuser enclosed by "(USER=" and ")))",
> skip3 FILLER char terminated by '=',
> skip4 FILLER char terminated by '=',
> skip5 FILLER char terminated by ')',
> ipaddr enclosed by "(HOST=" and ")"
> )
> into table listener_log
> when (43) = 'M'
> trailing nullcols
> (timestamp position(1:20) date "DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS",
> skip1 FILLER char terminated by '=',
> sidname enclosed by "(SID=" and ")",
> skip2 FILLER char terminated by "=",
> program enclosed by "(PROGRAM=" and ")",
> hostname enclosed by "(HOST=" and ")",
> osuser enclosed by "(USER=" and ")))",
> skip3 FILLER char terminated by '=',
> skip4 FILLER char terminated by '=',
> skip5 FILLER char terminated by ')',
> ipaddr enclosed by "(HOST=" and ")"
> )
> into table listener_log
> when (43) = 'E'
> trailing nullcols
> (timestamp position(1:20) date "DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS",
> skip1 FILLER char terminated by '=',
> sidname enclosed by "(SID=" and ")",
> skip2 FILLER char terminated by "(CID=",
> program enclosed by "(PROGRAM=" and ")",
> hostname enclosed by "(HOST=" and ")",
> osuser enclosed by "(USER=" and ")))",
> skip3 FILLER char terminated by '=',
> skip4 FILLER char terminated by '=',
> skip5 FILLER char terminated by ')',
> ipaddr enclosed by "(HOST=" and ")"
> )
> --------------------
> The Par file:
> control=listener.sqlload
> log=listener.logs
> direct=false
> errors=10
> rows=2000
> bindsize=10000000
> readsize=10000000
> --------------------
> And finally, the O/S commands (unix-y):
> cat $ORACLE_HOME/network/log/list* >/tmp/listener.log
> sqlldr parfile=listener.par
> rm /tmp/listener.log
> --------------------
> A few notes:
> 1) Since we rotate our logs daily, I append all of the
> listener logs to a single file in /tmp. (see the O/S commands)
> 2) The reason there are three entries in the SQueaL*Loader
> file is because this server listens for connections to three
> DBs. And there are different configs for each, depending on
> need (note the "(CID=" in the skip2 FILLER on the 'E' entry).
> I also want to skip over all of the other messages in the
> files. You'll need to customize this for your own installation.
> 3) You may also want to redo the parameter file to suit your
> needs. Hell, if folks can improve on it, I'm all ears. I'm
> no SQueaL*Loader expert by any means. This happens to work
> well for us.
> After all's loaded, you can run fun SQLs like:
> select osuser,hostname,count(*) "SESSIONS"
> from listener_log
> having count(*) > 130
> group by osuser, hostname;
> Index to taste, garnish with an analyze. Serves many.
> Enjoy! If you make improvements (there's lots of room for
> it!), I'd appreciate a post!
> :)
> Rich
-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Vergara, Michael (TEM) INET: Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services --------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Tue Apr 29 2003 - 20:36:39 CDT
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