You could always play with commit based on time as
opposed to rows. eg
delete/update row
x := dbms_utility.get_time;
if x - prev_time > n then\
prev_time := x;
end if;
end loop
- "Baswannappa, Shiva" <> wrote: >
Thanks Brad
> I did exactly as you suggested. Since the system
> being developed is in
> development and test phase, I am using commit
> frequency as a environment
> variable in the shell script that calls procedures
> in the package. If later
> we find problems like you mentioned snapshot too old
> (I have come across
> such messages earlier), I will change the value and
> retest.
> Thanks again to all of you
> Regards
> Shiva
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 10:31 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Be careful about how you do the loop counter.
> Commiting across cursor
> fetches is allowed in ORacle but it can result in a
> "snapshot too old
> error." PAss the loop counter commit level as a
> parameter to the
> procedure/package so you can test, change the commit
> level if you run into
> "Snapshot Too Old Errors" without having to edit and
> recompile procedures.
> There are some good articles on Commit frequency on
> meta-link if you have
> access. They would be very helpful.
> If you create a cursor that opens other or nests
> cursors do not commit
> inside of the top most cursor. I have run into this
> several times and it can
> be very troublesome to resolve (mostly because the
> developers insist it is
> not the code but Oracle). It typically is fine in
> the early rollout of a new
> procedure but as data and system activity grows it
> can appear
> intermittently.
> Use a big rollback segment (specially made one if
> needed) and alter the
> session to assign the process to a rollback segment
> you specify. Do few
> commits say every 10,000 records to start with and
> do some testing to
> determine the optimum commit frequency.
> It gets sticky when you add DSS type processing to
> production application
> systems. The rollback segments are typically
> configured for many small
> transactions...
> Brad O.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 4:13 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Hi Gurus
> Another TGIF question.
> I am using 9iV2 on HP-UX R-11. my question is:
> Is there a way to auto commit changes made to a
> table after every say 100
> records or so? I am processing 1000s of records and
> want to make sure the
> changes are autocommitted. the changes are made in a
> procedure bundled in a
> package with several other procedures.
> I thought I saw a statement similar to "delete from
> tab1 where
> col1='col1'.... commit
> not sure
> or may be definition of the table can be changed in
> such a way to commit
> periodically!!!
> Thanks in advance for all the suggestion I get
> Regards
> Shiva
> --
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> Author: Baswannappa, Shiva
> Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051
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Connor McDonald
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Received on Mon Apr 28 2003 - 22:32:51 CDT