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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> replication: exporting just "deferred transactions" at client
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The situation are remotely-deployed laptops that never get very far out of sync with the (one, central) master. In case the laptops crash or get stolen or whatever, we're hoping to make backups of the "changed data" onto the CD-RW (UDF/DirectCD filesystem). At the moment, I do a full instance hot backup and that's way too much data and the copy.exe operations end up killing laptop performance.
I'm hoping there's some way of exporting / saving / whatever *just* the changes that's been done to the replicated tables of this instance (changes queued up to go out at next attempted refresh of the snapshots).
I see a lot of DEF$_* tables in system, but it's not clear to me whether these are viable backups if exported on their own, and if so how I'd go about restoring them.
exporting or backing up the instance or even the replicated tablespaces is highly inefficient since 99.99% of the data I already have a copy of at the master. How can I just store "local mods not synced" in a restorable way?
Thanks, guys!!
James Manning <>
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Author: James Manning
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