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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: sql/function to calculate the median
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MacGregor, Ian A. [mailto:ian_at_SLAC.Stanford.EDU]
> I had asked the median question over a year ago posting a
> proposed solution and asking for better methods. A few
> people psoted a solution out of Celko's book. However,
> testing that solution showed that it did not always give the
> right answer. Larry Elkins came up with the solution which
> costs least to run. But I have misplaced it.
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From: "Larry Elkins"
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 08:49:17 -0500
Subject: RE: Calculating The Median: Error Discovered in Oracle SQL 101
Nice stuff!
Since this subject was brought back up, I thought maybe some would be interested in the following. I've never had a need to calculate a median, but, I knew Celko's SQL for Smarties had a few variations and examples from various people, each with caveats. And then there were differences between what he termed statistical and financial mean, and some other things as well. Anyway, a google search turned up another Celko solution. And this one also brings up the concept of weighted median.
Here is his example,
l ,
modified by me to use the standard EMP table's SAL column:
3 FROM emp F1, emp F2 4 GROUP BY F1.empno, F1.sal 5 HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN F2.sal = F1.sal 6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) 7 >= ABS(SUM(CASE WHEN F2.sal < F1.sal THEN 1 8 WHEN F2.sal > F1.sal THEN -1 9 ELSE 0 END))) 10 X
The link above goes into some detail regarding the logic behind the query and how his query finally reached the form above. I may never need to do a median, but, this subject has been a good opportunity for learning. I've tested the above with even, odd, multiple occurences of SAL, null,s etc. It seems to work, but, everyone have a whack at it if you like.
Larry G. Elkins
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