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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Oracle Warehousing or Teradata
Thanks Jarred, and Mark,
Although it's a good idea to get the presentations from both, and most
probably we'll do that, but just for confirmation purposes, does the latest
version of TD come equipped with partitioning or Bitmap indexes? So
apparently, the only thing which is, in my opinion, different between the
two is the size capabilities, i.e. TD is capable of more? Rest for all
things Oracle seems better equipped to handle warehousing requirements?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 5:54 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I took a fairly close look at Teradata 2.5 years ago.
At that time, I could not see where it had any advantage over Oracle, particularly for Data Warehousing using star schemas.
Whereas there are many benefits to using Oracle.
Bitmap indexes ( don't think TD had those)
Partitioning - TD had something like it, but the Oracle version was much more robust IIRC.
Availability of skilled personnel - At the time I checked, there were 69 open TD positions nationwide - At that time there were 6900 Oracle positions.
Non-proprietary - Teradata runs on NT or NCR, nothing else.
Expense - believe it or not, TD costs more than Oracle.
Development tools and 3rd party software - much more support for Oracle.
... more I can't recall.
My employer at that time decided to dump Oracle for DW and go with TD instead. I left.
Hussain Ahmed Qadri <>
Sent by:
04/08/2003 02:18 AM
Please respond to ORACLE-L
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <> cc: Subject: Oracle Warehousing or Teradata
One of our clients was interested in knowing which warehousing software he
should consider. Since he is already using Oracle, so he wanted to know
about the Oracle warehousing capabilities, as compared to Teradata. So
also for the sake of knowledge, which one is better and if one could be a
replacement of the other, in any environment.
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