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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Burned by DBMS_STATS **AGAIN**
OK, I've saved the histograms generated by each method using:
CREATE TABLE cf_histograms_dbms_stats AS
FROM dba_tab_histograms
ORDER BY table_name,column_name,endpoint_number
and, likewise:
CREATE TABLE cf_histograms_analyze AS
FROM dba_tab_histograms
ORDER BY table_name,column_name,endpoint_number
I then compared the two tables using a MINUS operator. After scanning the vast differences (cf_histograms_dbms_stats has 3384 rows, cf_histograms_analyze has 1958), I noticed that all the rows "missing" from cf_histograms_analyze seem to be indexed columns. So, I ran this to prove my point:
SELECT hi.table_name, hi.column_name
FROM dba_ind_columns di,
SELECT table_name,column_name
FROM cf_histograms_dbms_stats
SELECT table_name,column_name
FROM cf_histograms_analyzed
) hi
WHERE di.index_owner = 'CHARLIE_FOXTROT'
AND di.table_name(+) = hi.table_name AND di.column_name(+) = hi.column_name AND di.index_name IS NULL;
Sure enough, the query returns no rows, leading me to believe that ANALYZE TABLE...COMPUTE STATISTICS generates histograms of SIZE 1 for all NON-indexed columns. Does this conclusion sound correct? If so, then it doesn't appear from the 8i docs that there is a method in DBMS_STATS to emulate this. So, now what? I'm a little hesitant to initially gather stats using ANALYZE, then rely on DBMS_STATS afterwards because of the differences in the stats they gather. It would seem to me that there's a very good chance that the stats that aren't regularly updated with DBMS_STATS will become stale and at some point could negatively alter explain plans.
BTW, I forgot an earlier posted question: There are no partitioned tables.
Rich Jesse System/Database Administrator Quad/Tech International, Sussex, WI USA
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 4:39 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I agree.
I wonder if some of the problems are to do with changes in the number of bytes used for storing details of character columns ? I don't recall which version the big change took place.
Jonathan Lewis
The educated person is not the person
who can answer the questions, but the
person who can question the answers -- T. Schick Jr
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