Point No 2 is good.
Not so Lazy DBA.
> Paula - I think this is the DBA's quandary. By
> nature we are really good
> technicians, and we enjoy being really important to
> the organization, and
> like to be paid well for our efforts. But sometimes
> the baggage is that we
> need to communicate to non-technical people and this
> can be a problem.
> Recently my wife had some minor surgery and
> afterwards the surgeon came out
> and explained it all to me. He was really into
> describing some aspects of
> what he'd done and it suddenly struck me "is that
> what we sometimes sound
> like to users?".
> The most revealing book I've recently read is an
> oldie "How to Win
> Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. This
> is very close to what
> Rachel's response. To save you some time, here are
> the nuggets I gleaned
> from this book:
> 1. We all tend to justify ourselves in our own
> eyes. We are the hero of
> our own movie. This is why trying to say something
> critical to someone
> usually the response isn't "Oh my gosh how could I
> have been so stupid?" No,
> the normal response is more to think "that big idiot
> doesn't realize how
> perfect I am."
> 2. Really care about the people you work with.
> When people really feel
> you care about them, your relationship is likely to
> be much better. I think
> technical people are particularly vulnerable in this
> area. We are often
> accused to treating people like we treat computers.
> When we need information
> from someone, we simply walk up, and request the
> information. Sometimes
> people feel "used".
> Dennis Williams
> DBA, 40%OCP, 100% DBA
> Lifetouch, Inc.
> dwilliams_at_lifetouch.com
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