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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Burned by DBMS_STATS **AGAIN**
What are the differences in the statistics between analyzed and
"dbms_statsed" ?
AFAIK an analyze collects size 1 histograms (lo and high values) for all
columns, so it should be equivalent to "for all columns size 1".
The table is not by any chance partitioned?
At 12:16 PM 4/7/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>Hey all,
>Just upgraded a 3rd-party app's DB from to 32-bit on
>64-bit Solaris. The Oracle install was not standard -- it was "installed"
>(i.e. files just copied to $ORACLE_HOME) by the 3rd-party installer, and
>therefore, not patchable with the Oracle Installer. I was using DBMS_STATS
>successfully on 8.1.6 and am trying to continue using it, but I'm being
>thrown for a loop. Here's the highly-abbreviated scenario:
>1) The 3rd-party app created a new DB and imported the
>'s full export.
>2) Re-ran a full stats gather using an error-trapped procedure that calles
>the slightly buggy DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS for the app's schema.
>3) One particularly icky SQL now runs with a FTS on a 250K row table as
>inner hash to a 7-level NL. The previous DB used index lookups on all
>tables in an 8-level deep NL. The old plan executed in a few seconds; the
>new one takes minutes.
>4) Test DB with slightly less data had the "good" explain plan, so I
>exported stats using DBMS_STATS.EXPORT_SCHEMA_STATS.
>5) After deleting all stats in test DB using both ANALYZE...DELETE... and
>DBA_TABLES, and DBA_INDEXES had no stats, I ran this:
> dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (
> ownname => 'CHARLIE_FOXTROT',
> tabname => cursor_looped.table_name,
> estimate_percent => NULL,
> block_sample => FALSE,
> method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1',
> degree => 1,
> granularity => 'DEFAULT',
> cascade => TRUE,
> stattab => NULL,
> statid => NULL,
> statown => NULL);
>6) The explain plan is now hosed with the FTS/hash inside a 7-level NL.
>7) Re-wipe all stats as before.
>tables in the schema.
>9) Explain plan is now the "good" one with all indexes and no FTS.
>As I've done in past headaches when using DBMS_STATS, I checked the
>DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS view and get different counts for the ANALYZE than I do
>for using DBMS_STATS with a METHOD_OPT of either "FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1"
>"FOR INDEXED COLUMNS SIZE 1". I have verified that the ANALYZE uses "SIZE
>1", but not the rest of the method_opt (which columns).
>So, back and forth I go again -- ANALYZE appears to work better than
>DBMS_STATS at gathering more accurate object statistics. This leaves me
>with questions:
>What method opt is the default for ANALYZE?
>Where the hell is this documented? It's not in the SQL Ref manual. I've
>found it once before but can't seem to recall where (see thread "Defaults
>for ANALYZE" on 03/04/2002).
>Should I bother with DBMS_STATS, sacrificing gathering performance and
>reporting for "correct" stats?
>If, as Oracle reports, DBMS_STATS is generating correct stats and ANALYZE
>isn't, what am I doing wrong?
>Should I finish off the Pete's Wicked Ale tonite or go with the Sierra
>Nevada Pale Ale?
>Frustratedly yours,
>Rich Jesse System/Database Administrator
> Quad/Tech International, Sussex, WI USA
>Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
>Author: Jesse, Rich
>Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051
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Wolfgang Breitling
Centrex Consulting Corporation
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-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Wolfgang Breitling INET: Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services --------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Mon Apr 07 2003 - 16:19:05 CDT
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