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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: [new info] Redhat Advanced Server Dev Edition - RAC
I'm not sure, but I think the good, old standard standby thing will work
with SE ($15K per CPU).
Data Guard requires EE, so that's $40K.
But 3rd party tools (I have tested none of them, but I know the name Quest Shareplex) will run on SE - but then they probably cost a lot, too. Oracle is moving towards the idea that any HA-option will require you to use EE. In some places, where SE is good enough, 3rd party tools might suddenly look attractive :).
Mogens wrote:
>RAC = $60k per CPU.
>Standby = $40k per CPU.
>Sent by:
> 02/11/2003 01:54 PM
> Please respond to ORACLE-L
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
> cc:
> Subject: RE: Re[2]: [new info] Redhat Advanced Server Dev Edition - RAC
> How is the standby database cheaper? I understood from previous list
>discussions that you had to license the standby server as well.
> As the hardware and O/S become commodities, I think Oracle would like
>avoid becoming a commodity. Commodity prices are low, as any farmer can
> But the further issue is "how do Oracle DBAs avoid becoming a
>commodity?". Maybe the next question coming is "why should we pay more for
>DBA when we're getting the computer and software so cheap?"
>Dennis Williams
>DBA, 40%OCP
>Lifetouch, Inc.
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 3:29 PM
>To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> I don't know about the rest of the list members, but the company I
>would like to have the technology but without the additional license
>Therefore were going to do the standby database thing instead of RAC. Now
>your into using Linux with low end PC's then maybe you can justify it. I
>know, it gives me the whillies when the software costs more than the
>and OS combined.
>Dick Goulet
>____________________Reply Separator____________________
>Author: Jared Still <>
>Date: 2/11/2003 8:29 AM
>This is all cool technology, and fun stuff to play with.
>It all begs the questions,
>"How many of us work for a business that actually need this?"
>"Are they willing to pay $400/user $20k/CPU above the cost
>of Oracle 9i EE to use it?"
>"Are they willing to pay the extra overhead required to maintain it?"
>I'm not sure the ROI is there for many of us. Though downtime
>at our business is somewhat expensive, I think that a failover
>system or even standby database will provide adequate coverage
>for us, which is indeed a hot topic here right now, after our Dell
>SAN put us out of business for 36 hours.
>RAC wouldn't have helped much there. Niether would a cluster
>for that matter. Standby DB would have been perfect.
>This whole push of RAC by Oracle reminds me very much of the
>mlife phone campaign by ATT. Do you really need to take pictures
>with your phone? And what is the point of sending text messages
>to someone elses phone when you could just call them?
>ATT needs you to buy this stuff, because they have it for sale.
>I see RAC in a similar light. Do you need RAC? Oracle needs
>you to 'need' it, because they need some reason for you to
>spend more money on their product.
>On Saturday 08 February 2003 21:23, Richard Ji wrote:
>>To those who are interested in running RAC on Linux.
>>I know we have been talking about RAC on linux lately. This is great
>>Redhat has made a special developer's edition for their Advanced Server
>>only costs $60! So we don't have to shell out $699 for a copy of RHAS
>>to play with RAC.
>>Have fun.
>>Richard Ji
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