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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: create tablespace script
I have the following in perl. It handles multiple datafiles for a tablespace. See the in-line comments below. You can modify this logic for PL/SQL. I think I also have a script in PL/SQL (somewhere) that I wrote and converted to perl. Let me know if you'd like to take a look at that.
# Get tablespace DDL from Oracle databases (8x, 8i)
# Create 2001/10/01 - MKB
# Modification History
# 2001/10/11 - MKB - Pass command line opts to program
use strict;
use DBI;
my ($username, $passwd, $connstrg, $filename);
my $usage = "usage: username password connect_string
filename \n";
$usage = $usage . "Example: scott tiger remt_db
tablespace.log \n";
if ($#ARGV != 3) { die($usage) }
else { $username = $ARGV[0]; $passwd = $ARGV[1]; $connstrg = $ARGV[2]; $filename = $ARGV[3]; };
# Declare variables to hold col names, col typs and
col lengths
my ($ts_name, $prev_val, $fl_name, $size);
my ($init_ext, $nxt_ext, $min_ext, $max_ext,
$pct_incr, $bytes);
# This variable is set to 1 indicating more
# than one datafile per tablespace
my $dup = 0;
my ($create_ts, $datafile, $def_strg1, $def_strg2,
$def_strg3, $alt_ts);
my $dbh = DBI -> connect ("dbi:Oracle:$connstrg", $username, $passwd)
|| die "Database connection not made: $DBI::errstr";
# open file to write out tablespace info
open my $fh, ">$filename" or die
"Can't create $!";
my $sql = qq{ select t.tablespace_name,
t.next_extent, t.min_extents, t.max_extents,
t.pct_increase, df.bytes, df.file_name, df.relative_fno
from dba_data_files df, dba_tablespaces t where t.tablespace_name = df.tablespace_name order by t.tablespace_name,
my $sth = $dbh -> prepare( $sql );
$sth -> execute();
my ($tablespace_name, $initial_extent, $next_extent, $min_extents, $max_extents, $pct_increase, $bytes, $file_name, $relative_fno);
$sth -> bind_columns(\$tablespace_name,
\$initial_extent, \$next_extent,
\$min_extents, \$max_extents, \$pct_increase, \$bytes,
\$file_name, \$relative_fno);
while( $sth -> fetch() ) {
$ts_name = $tablespace_name;
# Here is where I check if there are more
# than one datafile per tablespace
if ( $prev_val eq $ts_name ) {
$dup = 1; $alt_ts = "ALTER TABLESPACE " . $ts_name;}
$dup = 0; $prev_val = $ts_name; } $fl_name = $file_name; $init_ext = $initial_extent; $nxt_ext = $next_extent; $min_ext = $min_extents; $max_ext = $max_extents;
# if $dup is 0 than I only have one datafile
# per tablespace else I set this to 1 which
# I have more than one datafile per
# tablespace so I use an ALTER statement
# add the extra datafile to the tablespace
if ( $dup == 0 ) {
$alt_ts = "CREATE TABLESPACE " . $ts_name; print $fh $alt_ts . "\n";
$alt_ts = "ALTER TABLESPACE " . $ts_name; print $fh $alt_ts . "\n";
if ( $dup == 0 ) {
$datafile = "DATAFILE '" . $fl_name . "' SIZE " . $size;
print $fh $datafile . "\n"; $def_strg1 = "DEFAULT STORAGE (\n\tINITIAL " . $init_ext; $def_strg1 = $def_strg1 . "\n\tNEXT " . $nxt_ext; $def_strg2 = "\n\tMINEXTETNTS " . $min_ext . "\n\tMAXEXTENTS " . $max_ext; $def_strg3 = "\n\tPCTINCREASE " . $pct_incr . ");"; print $fh $def_strg1, $def_strg2, $def_strg3 ."\n" . "\n";
else {
$datafile = "ADD DATAFILE " . $fl_name . " SIZE " . $size . ";";
print $fh $datafile . "\n" . "\n"; }
$sth -> finish();
$dbh -> disconnect();
$dbh -> disconnect();
close $fh;
-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: mkb INET: Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services --------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Tue Jan 21 2003 - 15:10:00 CST
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