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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: 100% CPU utilization, urgent
> Hussain Ahmed Qadri wrote:
> Thanks for the script, I would like to know how would I interpret the
> VALUES column, I mean what does it stand for. If the value of CPU used
> for a particular SID is 2000, what does that mean? Is it the time, in
> 1/100 th of seconds of the total CPU time? Can you please help me
> understand this?
> Thanks and regards
> Hussain
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Day []
> Sent: Monday, January 20, 2003 7:00 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: Re: 100% CPU utilization, urgent
> Create the view dba_nt_threads and query it, then run the monitor CPU
> per
> session. These are not my scripts --- I'm pretty sure that they were
> posted here by others --- but I did not capture the information on who
> originally wrote them. My apologies. HTH
> --cr_dba_nt_threads.sql
> -- run as sys
> create or replace view
> dba_NT_threads
> as
> select
> p.spid "ID_THREAD",
> p.background "BACKGROUND",
> "NAME",
> s.sid "SID",
> s.serial# "SERIAL#",
> s.username "USERNAME",
> s.status "STATUS",
> s.osuser "OSUSER",
> s.program "PROGRAM"
> from
> v$process p,
> v$bgprocess b,
> v$session s
> where
> s.paddr = p.addr
> and
> b.paddr(+) = p.addr;
> create public synonym dba_nt_threads for dba_nt_threads;
> create public synonym threads for dba_nt_threads;
If all NT monitoring tools display threads id in hex and Oracle in decimal, if I were you, NT folks, my natural laziness would incite me to create the following function :
create or replace function dec2hex(n in number)
return varchar2
v_result varchar2(20) := ''; v_characters varchar2(16) := '0123456789abcdef'; n_remain number; n_pos number;
n_pos := mod(n_remain, 16); v_result := substr(v_characters, n_pos + 1, 1) || v_result; n_remain := trunc(n_remain / 16);
and, instead of selecting p.spid in the query above, query
substr(dec2hex(to_number(p.spid)), 1, 9)
I hate converting between decimal and hexadecimal :-).
-- HTH, Stephane Faroult Oriole Software -- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Stephane Faroult INET: Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services --------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Mon Jan 20 2003 - 14:54:33 CST
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