iFS 1.X.X and below is alternately with the 8.1.7 database and 9iAS
9iFS 9.0.1 is with the Database
9iFS 9.0.2 is part of 9iAS 9.0.2
9iFS 9.0.3 has been renamed as Oracle Files and is part of Oracle
Collaboration Suite.
Check the MetaLink certification pages for
"Internet File System" [which goes upto 9.0.1]
"9i Internet Application Server" [where 9iFS 9.0.2 is
listed under components for 9iAS 9.0.2]
"Oracle Collaboration Suite" [where Oracle Files 9.0.3 is
listed under components for OCS 9.0.3]
At 07:18 AM 13-01-03 -0800, you wrote:
as per usual, technet
website is confusing as heck. I am trying to locate the latest
release on IFS. I am on the products website and see the following
on the IFS webpage:
Content Management Software Development Kit (CMSDK)
Version 9.0.3
(Note: this release requires Oracle 9.2 or Oracle 9.0.1)
Content Management Software Development Kit (CMSDK) version 9.0.3 for Windows
Content Management Software Development Kit (CMSDK) version 9.0.3 for Linux
Content Management Software Development Kit (CMSDK) version 9.0.3 for HP-UX
Content Management Software Development Kit (CMSDK) version 9.0.3 for HP Tru64
Content Management Software Development Kit (CMSDK) version 9.0.3 for AIX
Oracle Internet File System Downloads
Version 9.0.2
Oracle Internet File System Release 9.0.2 can now be downloaded from the Oracle9iAS software page in the 'Supplemental CD's' section.
Has IFS been renamed to Content Management Software Development Kit?? or no?
I don't want to waste my time downloading what I think is IFS v9.0.3 when v9.0.2 is the latest release and CMSDK is just for developers working with IFS.
Thanks for your help.
Hemant K Chitale
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