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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: SQLPLUS spool file question
Here is what I usually set in a SQL*Plus script where I will want to spool the output:
set echo off pause off termout on feedback on set pagesize 55 linesize 95 tab off trimspool on
I rarely use 'sqlplus -s', and I do not get the '^L' character in my spool files. I also have a shell script that I use to trim off excess spaces and ^L characters from other folk's scripts. Here it is:
# This is for HP-UX ksh.
mv ${1} trim.temp
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo ''
echo Error opening ${1} for move
echo Aborting...
echo ''
/ /' | sed '1,$s/ *$//g' > ${1}
rm trim.temp
# #EOF#
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 8:04 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I'm creating a spool file of SQL commands based on several "select...from" statements. When I "vi" my output file, I see a "^L" character as the first character after each of my select statements. I remember a solution being presented a few years ago that allowed you to eliminate the "^L" on this list but I've managed to loose it. I seem to remember that you must use silent mode (-s) and the proper setting of several of the SQLPlus environment variables. Any help would be appreciated
Mark Willett
Sunnen Products Company
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Author: Vergara, Michael (TEM)
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