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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> EXP-00084: Unexpected DbmsJava error -1031 at step 6661
Anyone seen this export error? The database is Oracle EE V8.1.6.2 on
Solaris 2.8. The database has just been freshly recreated by creating a new
database and selectively export/import schema by schema. The problem did
exist in the old database as well but I was kind of surprised that it did
not go away as I assumed that reinstalling the java objects from scratch
would fix it... not so.
I did check metalink and there were two or three references that suggested rerunning calalog and catproc which I tried but it did not fix the issue for me.
Anyone seen and/or have a fix for this?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 3:46 AM
/Volumes/app/oracle/admin/bin/dba_ora_exptest.ksh on clgprd1_at_gsun731
Export: Release - Production on Sun Dec 8 03:21:26 2002
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Connected to: Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning option
JServer Release - Production
Volume size (<ret> for no restriction) >
Export done in US7ASCII character set and US7ASCII NCHAR character set
About to export the entire database ...
. exporting tablespace definitions
. exporting profiles
. exporting user definitions
. exporting roles
. exporting resource costs
. exporting rollback segment definitions
. exporting database links
. exporting sequence numbers
. exporting directory aliases
. exporting context namespaces
. exporting foreign function library names
. exporting object type definitions
. exporting system procedural objects and actions
. exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions
. exporting cluster definitions
. about to export SYSTEM's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table DEF$_AQCALL 0 rows exported
. . exporting table DEF$_AQERROR 0 rows exported
. . exporting table DEF$_CALLDEST 0 rows exported
. . exporting table DEF$_DEFAULTDEST 0 rows exported
. . exporting table DEF$_DESTINATION 0 rows exported
. . exporting table DEF$_ERROR 0 rows exported
. . exporting table DEF$_LOB 0 rows exported
. . exporting table DEF$_ORIGIN 0 rows exported
. . exporting table DEF$_PROPAGATOR 0 rows exported
. . exporting table DEF$_PUSHED_TRANSACTIONS 0 rows exported
. . exporting table DEF$_TEMP$LOB 0 rows exported
. . exporting table HELP 816 rows exported
. . exporting table SQLPLUS_PRODUCT_PROFILE 0 rows exported
. about to export OUTLN's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table OL$ 0 rows exported
. . exporting table OL$HINTS 0 rows exported
. about to export DBSNMP's tables via Conventional Path ...
. about to export ORAMON's tables via Conventional Path ...
. about to export CDGM_CLINDATA's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table DONOR_DATA 117229704 rows exported
. . exporting table DONOR_ROWS 4826411 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_DONOR's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table DONOR_IDS 13937 rows exported
. . exporting table ENTRY_NUMBERS 10792 rows exported
. . exporting table RANDOMIZATION_NUMBERS 13936 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_DSL's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table ANON1 0 rows exported
. . exporting table CREATE$JAVA$LOB$TABLE 0 rows exported
. . exporting table DESTRUCTION 78 rows exported
. . exporting table ERROR_LOG 296 rows exported
. . exporting table IDENT1 5601 rows exported
. . exporting table JAVA$CLASS$MD5$TABLE 370 rows exported
. . exporting table PRE_ANON_ARCHIVE 4521 rows exported
. . exporting table SAMPLES 9745 rows exported
. . exporting table SAMP_ERRORS 12 rows exported
. . exporting table SHIPMENT_DREQ 10336 rows exported
. . exporting table SHIPMENT_HREQ 18 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_LIBRARY's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table CLASSES 284 rows exported
. . exporting table DOMAINS 100 rows exported
. . exporting table DOMAIN_VALUES 2646 rows exported
. . exporting table MODULES 761 rows exported
. . exporting table PROC_CONTENTS_DEFS 711 rows exported
. . exporting table PROC_CONTENTS_FIELDS 16226 rows exported
. . exporting table VARIABLES 11082 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_METADATA's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table PROTOCOL_CLASSES 801 rows exported
. . exporting table PROTOCOL_MODULES 2528 rows exported
. . exporting table PROTOCOL_VARIABLES 20975 rows exported
. . exporting table VARIABLE_DOMAIN_VALUES 11827 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_R2CMN's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table DRUG 3 rows exported
. . exporting table DRUGDESCTYPE 3 rows exported
. . exporting table INVST 909 rows exported
. . exporting table LFSR 6 rows exported
. . exporting table PROJ 48 rows exported
. . exporting table PROJINVST 906 rows exported
. . exporting table PROJPROT 68 rows exported
. . exporting table PROJPROTINVST 942 rows exported
. . exporting table PROT 68 rows exported
. . exporting table SAMPCLASS 2 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_R2CMS's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table CMS 35623 rows exported
. . exporting table RUN 464 rows exported
. . exporting table RUNACC 6974 rows exported
. . exporting table SNAP$_ACCMAP 0 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_R2DSC's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table DISCALQOT_SRC 35623 rows exported
. . exporting table DISCCOLL_SRC 82 rows exported
. . exporting table MLOG$_DISCALQOT_SRC 4875 rows exported
. . exporting table MLOG$_DISCCOLL_SRC 2 rows exported
. . exporting table RUPD$_DISCALQOT_SRC
. . exporting table RUPD$_DISCCOLL_SRC
. . exporting table SAMPTYPE 7 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_R2LAB's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table LABCOLL 7 rows exported
. . exporting table LABPAT 7 rows exported
. . exporting table LABSRC 1 rows exported
. . exporting table SAMPTYPENAME 14 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_R2V1's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table FORM_VIEW 0 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_R2V2's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table ACC 2294 rows exported
. . exporting table CDGM 6973 rows exported
. . exporting table CMSKEY 6997 rows exported
. . exporting table DONOR 5647 rows exported
. . exporting table LABKEY 9489 rows exported
. . exporting table MISCDAT 7591 rows exported
. . exporting table PATDAT 2294 rows exported
. . exporting table PATDAT2 3060 rows exported
. . exporting table PATDATTEMP 2934 rows exported
. . exporting table SAMP 7941 rows exported
. . exporting table SAMPDAT 7941 rows exported
. . exporting table SPEC 7942 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_STAGE's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table STAGE_DATA 7251965 rows exported
. . exporting table STAGE_DATA_ERRORS 6 rows exported
. . exporting table STAGE_ERRORS 12 rows exported
. . exporting table STAGE_ROWS 759283 rows exported
. . exporting table STAGE_ROW_ERRORS 48 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_WEB's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table CLINID_TEMP 4194 rows exported
. about to export CDGM_ANON_CLIN_RO's tables via Conventional Path ...
. about to export CDGM_BIT's tables via Conventional Path ...
. about to export CDGM_R2EDIT's tables via Conventional Path ...
. about to export CDGM_R2FEED's tables via Conventional Path ...
. about to export CDGM_R2MGR's tables via Conventional Path ...
. about to export OAS_PUBLIC's tables via Conventional Path ...
. about to export WEBSYS's tables via Conventional Path ...
. . exporting table OWS_ATTRIBUTES 0 rows exported
. . exporting table OWS_CONTENT 0 rows exported
. . exporting table OWS_FIXED_ATTRIB 0 rows exported
. . exporting table OWS_OBJECT 0 rows exported
. about to export AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED's tables via Conventional Path
EXP-00084: Unexpected DbmsJava error -1031 at step 6661 EXP-00008: ORACLE error 1031 encountered ORA-01031: insufficient privileges EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully
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