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RE: sql tuning help

From: <>
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2002 10:15:05 -0800
Message-ID: <>


Actually it returns 1 record.


                    Thomas F"              To:     Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>    
                    <       cc:                                                                    
          >             Subject:     RE: sql tuning help                                       
                    Sent by:                                                                                      
                    12/06/2002 11:41                                                                              
                    Please respond                                                                                
                    to ORACLE-L                                                                                   


does this return *any* records at all? the only reason that I ask is that in the 'where' clause, it is saying:

  where p.phy_id = board_aaps.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = board_aba.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = board_abem.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = board_abfp.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = board_abim.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = board_abp.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = board_abr.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = board_aobem.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = board_aobfp.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = board_aobim.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = board_aobr.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = board_other.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = 1870;

well, from my way of thinking, a single record from p.phy_id cannot be equal
to all of the others at the same time. so no records should be returned at all.

I think I would re-wright the entire mess using a set of UNIONS to accomplish the same thing.

something like:

select board_other.description strBrdNameOtherTHQuest

,decode(board_aaps.description, null,' ','X') ysnAAPSBoard
,decode(board_aba.description, null,' ','X') ysnABABoard
,decode(board_abem.description, null,' ','X') ysnABEMBoard
,decode(board_abfp.description, null,' ','X') ysnABFPoard
,decode(board_abim.description, null,' ','X') ysnABIMBoard
,decode(board_abp.description, null,' ','X') ysnABPBoard
,decode(board_abr.description, null,' ','X') ysnABRBoard
,decode(board_aobem.description, null,' ','X') ysnAOBEMBoard
,decode(board_aobfp.description, null,' ','X') ysnAOBFPBoard
,decode(board_aobim.description, null,' ','X') ysnAOBIMBAoard
,decode(board_aobr.description, null,' ','X') ysnAOBRBoard
,decode(board_other.description, null,' ','X') ysnOtherBoard
   from phy_boards pb, boards b, physicians p   where p.phy_id = pb.phy_id
    and pb.board_id = b.board_id
    and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or

         pb.expiration_date is null)
    and b.description like 'AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIAN SPECIALIST%' union
select board_other.description strBrdNameOtherTHQuest

,decode(board_aaps.description, null,' ','X') ysnAAPSBoard
,decode(board_aba.description, null,' ','X') ysnABABoard
,decode(board_abem.description, null,' ','X') ysnABEMBoard
,decode(board_abfp.description, null,' ','X') ysnABFPoard
,decode(board_abim.description, null,' ','X') ysnABIMBoard
,decode(board_abp.description, null,' ','X') ysnABPBoard
,decode(board_abr.description, null,' ','X') ysnABRBoard
,decode(board_aobem.description, null,' ','X') ysnAOBEMBoard
,decode(board_aobfp.description, null,' ','X') ysnAOBFPBoard
,decode(board_aobim.description, null,' ','X') ysnAOBIMBAoard
,decode(board_aobr.description, null,' ','X') ysnAOBRBoard
,decode(board_other.description, null,' ','X') ysnOtherBoard
   from phy_boards pb, boards b, physicians p   where p.phy_id = pb.phy_id
    and pb.board_id = b.board_id
    and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or

         pb.expiration_date is null)
    and b.description like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF ANESTHESIOLOGY%' etc.

Does this make sense?

Hope this helps.

Tom Mercadante
Oracle Certified Professional

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 7:54 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L


Oracle 8.1.6 NT 4.0

I have a rather complex query a developer gave to me to try to improve performance.
There are 3 tables used. All relevant columns used are indexed. The tables have been analyzed

SQLWKS> select count(*) from physicians; COUNT(*)

1 row selected.
SQLWKS> select count(*) from boards;

1 row selected.
SQLWKS> select count(*) from phy_boards; COUNT(*)


Below is the sql statement and explain plan. I see one FTS on 440,000+ records but cannot tell exactly what statement it is and how to resolve

Any suggestions on how to optimize is appreciated.


select board_other.description strBrdNameOtherTHQuest

,decode(board_aaps.description, null,' ','X') ysnAAPSBoard
,decode(board_aba.description, null,' ','X') ysnABABoard
,decode(board_abem.description, null,' ','X') ysnABEMBoard
,decode(board_abfp.description, null,' ','X') ysnABFPoard
,decode(board_abim.description, null,' ','X') ysnABIMBoard
,decode(board_abp.description, null,' ','X') ysnABPBoard
,decode(board_abr.description, null,' ','X') ysnABRBoard
,decode(board_aobem.description, null,' ','X') ysnAOBEMBoard
,decode(board_aobfp.description, null,' ','X') ysnAOBFPBoard
,decode(board_aobim.description, null,' ','X') ysnAOBIMBAoard
,decode(board_aobr.description, null,' ','X') ysnAOBRBoard
,decode(board_other.description, null,' ','X') ysnOtherBoard
   from physicians p

,(select distinct pb.phy_id,, b.description

           from phy_boards pb, boards b
          where pb.board_id = b.board_id
            and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or
                 pb.expiration_date is null)
            and b.description like 'AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIAN
SPECIALIST%') board_aaps

,(select distinct pb.phy_id,, b.description
from phy_boards pb, boards b where pb.board_id = b.board_id and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or pb.expiration_date is null) and b.description like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF ANESTHESIOLOGY%') board_aba
,(select distinct pb.phy_id,, b.description
from phy_boards pb, boards b where pb.board_id = b.board_id and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or pb.expiration_date is null) and b.description like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE%') board_abem
,(select distinct pb.phy_id,, b.description
from phy_boards pb, boards b where pb.board_id = b.board_id and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or pb.expiration_date is null) and b.description like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF FAMILY PRACTICE%') board_abfp
,(select distinct pb.phy_id,, b.description
from phy_boards pb, boards b where pb.board_id = b.board_id and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or pb.expiration_date is null) and b.description like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF INTERNAL MEDICINE%') board_abim
,(select distinct pb.phy_id,, b.description
from phy_boards pb, boards b where pb.board_id = b.board_id and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or pb.expiration_date is null) and b.description like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF PEDIATRICS%') board_abp
,(select distinct pb.phy_id,, b.description
from phy_boards pb, boards b where pb.board_id = b.board_id and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or pb.expiration_date is null) and b.description like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF RADIOLOGY%') board_abr
,(select distinct pb.phy_id,, b.description
from phy_boards pb, boards b where pb.board_id = b.board_id and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or pb.expiration_date is null) and b.description like 'AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC BOARD OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE%') board_aobem
,(select distinct pb.phy_id,, b.description
from phy_boards pb, boards b where pb.board_id = b.board_id and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or pb.expiration_date is null) and b.description like 'AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC BOARD OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS%') board_aobfp
,(select distinct pb.phy_id,, b.description
from phy_boards pb, boards b where pb.board_id = b.board_id and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or pb.expiration_date is null) and b.description like 'AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC BOARD OF INTERNAL MEDICINE%') board_aobim
,(select distinct pb.phy_id,, b.description
from phy_boards pb, boards b where pb.board_id = b.board_id and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or pb.expiration_date is null) and b.description like 'AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC BOARD OF RADIOLOGY%') board_aobr
,(select distinct pb.phy_id,, b.description
from phy_boards pb, boards b where pb.board_id = b.board_id and (pb.expiration_date >= sysdate or pb.expiration_date is null) and (b.description not like 'AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIAN SPECIALIST%' and b.description not like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF ANESTHESIOLOGY%' and b.description not like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE%' and b.description not like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF FAMILY PRACTICE%' and b.description not like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF INTERNAL MEDICINE%' and b.description not like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF PEDIATRICS%' and b.description not like 'AMERICAN BOARD OF RADIOLOGY%' and b.description not like 'AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC BOARD OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE%' and b.description not like 'AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC BOARD OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS%' and b.description not like 'AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC BOARD OF INTERNAL MEDICINE%' and b.description not like 'AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC BOARD OF RADIOLOGY%' and b.description not like 'NO BOARDS%' )) board_other where p.phy_id = board_aaps.phy_id (+) and p.phy_id = board_aba.phy_id (+) and p.phy_id = board_abem.phy_id (+) and p.phy_id = board_abfp.phy_id (+) and p.phy_id = board_abim.phy_id (+) and p.phy_id = board_abp.phy_id (+) and p.phy_id = board_abr.phy_id (+) and p.phy_id = board_aobem.phy_id (+) and p.phy_id = board_aobfp.phy_id (+) and p.phy_id = board_aobim.phy_id (+) and p.phy_id = board_aobr.phy_id (+)
    and p.phy_id = board_other.phy_id (+)     and p.phy_id = 1870;

Plan Table

| Operation                 |  Name    |  Rows | Bytes|  Cost  | Pstart|
Pstop |

| SELECT STATEMENT          |          |     2 |    2K|  88289 |       |
|  NESTED LOOPS OUTER       |          |     2 |    2K|  88289 |       |
|   NESTED LOOPS OUTER      |          |     1 |    1K|  28954 |       |
|    NESTED LOOPS OUTER     |          |     1 |    1K|  26322 |       |
|     NESTED LOOPS OUTER    |          |     1 |    1K|  23690 |       |
|      NESTED LOOPS OUTER   |          |     1 |  924 |  21058 |       |
|       NESTED LOOPS OUTER  |          |     1 |  809 |  18426 |       |
|        NESTED LOOPS OUTER |          |     1 |  694 |  15794 |       |
|         NESTED LOOPS OUTER|          |     1 |  579 |  13162 |       |
|          NESTED LOOPS OUTE|          |     1 |  464 |  10530 |       |
|           NESTED LOOPS OUT|          |     1 |  349 |   7898 |       |
|            NESTED LOOPS OU|          |     1 |  234 |   5266 |       |
|             NESTED LOOPS O|          |     1 |  119 |   2634 |       |
|              INDEX UNIQUE |PHY_PK    |     1 |    4 |      2 |       |
|              VIEW         |          |     8K|  922K|        |       |
|               SORT UNIQUE |          |     8K|  649K|   2632 |       |
|                NESTED LOOP|          |     8K|  649K|   2126 |       |
|                 INDEX FAST|BOARD_NAM |     3 |  207 |      2 |       |
|                 TABLE ACCE|PHY_BOARD |   443K|    5M|    708 |       |
|                  INDEX RAN|PBRD_BOAR |   443K|      |     22 |       |
|             VIEW          |          |     8K|  922K|        |       |
|              SORT UNIQUE  |          |     8K|  649K|   2632 |       |
|               NESTED LOOPS|          |     8K|  649K|   2126 |       |
|                INDEX FAST |BOARD_NAM |     3 |  207 |      2 |       |
|                TABLE ACCES|PHY_BOARD |   443K|    5M|    708 |       |
|                 INDEX RANG|PBRD_BOAR |   443K|      |     22 |       |
|            VIEW           |          |     8K|  922K|        |       |
|             SORT UNIQUE   |          |     8K|  649K|   2632 |       |
|              NESTED LOOPS |          |     8K|  649K|   2126 |       |
|               INDEX FAST F|BOARD_NAM |     3 |  207 |      2 |       |
|               TABLE ACCESS|PHY_BOARD |   443K|    5M|    708 |       |
|                INDEX RANGE|PBRD_BOAR |   443K|      |     22 |       |
|           VIEW            |          |     8K|  922K|        |       |
|            SORT UNIQUE    |          |     8K|  649K|   2632 |       |
|             NESTED LOOPS  |          |     8K|  649K|   2126 |       |
|              INDEX FAST FU|BOARD_NAM |     3 |  207 |      2 |       |
|              TABLE ACCESS |PHY_BOARD |   443K|    5M|    708 |       |
|               INDEX RANGE |PBRD_BOAR |   443K|      |     22 |       |
|          VIEW             |          |     8K|  922K|        |       |
|           SORT UNIQUE     |          |     8K|  649K|   2632 |       |
|            NESTED LOOPS   |          |     8K|  649K|   2126 |       |
|             INDEX FAST FUL|BOARD_NAM |     3 |  207 |      2 |       |
|             TABLE ACCESS B|PHY_BOARD |   443K|    5M|    708 |       |
|              INDEX RANGE S|PBRD_BOAR |   443K|      |     22 |       |
|         VIEW              |          |     8K|  922K|        |       |
|          SORT UNIQUE      |          |     8K|  649K|   2632 |       |
|           NESTED LOOPS    |          |     8K|  649K|   2126 |       |
|            INDEX FAST FULL|BOARD_NAM |     3 |  207 |      2 |       |
|            TABLE ACCESS BY|PHY_BOARD |   443K|    5M|    708 |       |
|             INDEX RANGE SC|PBRD_BOAR |   443K|      |     22 |       |
|        VIEW               |          |     8K|  922K|        |       |
|         SORT UNIQUE       |          |     8K|  649K|   2632 |       |
|          NESTED LOOPS     |          |     8K|  649K|   2126 |       |
|           INDEX FAST FULL |BOARD_NAM |     3 |  207 |      2 |       |
|           TABLE ACCESS BY |PHY_BOARD |   443K|    5M|    708 |       |
|            INDEX RANGE SCA|PBRD_BOAR |   443K|      |     22 |       |
|       VIEW                |          |     8K|  922K|        |       |
|        SORT UNIQUE        |          |     8K|  649K|   2632 |       |
|         NESTED LOOPS      |          |     8K|  649K|   2126 |       |
|          INDEX FAST FULL S|BOARD_NAM |     3 |  207 |      2 |       |
|          TABLE ACCESS BY I|PHY_BOARD |   443K|    5M|    708 |       |
|           INDEX RANGE SCAN|PBRD_BOAR |   443K|      |     22 |       |
|      VIEW                 |          |     8K|  922K|        |       |
|       SORT UNIQUE         |          |     8K|  649K|   2632 |       |
|        NESTED LOOPS       |          |     8K|  649K|   2126 |       |
|         INDEX FAST FULL SC|BOARD_NAM |     3 |  207 |      2 |       |
|         TABLE ACCESS BY IN|PHY_BOARD |   443K|    5M|    708 |       |
|          INDEX RANGE SCAN |PBRD_BOAR |   443K|      |     22 |       |
|     VIEW                  |          |     8K|  922K|        |       |
|      SORT UNIQUE          |          |     8K|  649K|   2632 |       |
|       NESTED LOOPS        |          |     8K|  649K|   2126 |       |
|        INDEX FAST FULL SCA|BOARD_NAM |     3 |  207 |      2 |       |
|        TABLE ACCESS BY IND|PHY_BOARD |   443K|    5M|    708 |       |
|         INDEX RANGE SCAN  |PBRD_BOAR |   443K|      |     22 |       |
|    VIEW                   |          |     8K|  922K|        |       |
|     SORT UNIQUE           |          |     8K|  649K|   2632 |       |
|      NESTED LOOPS         |          |     8K|  649K|   2126 |       |
|       INDEX FAST FULL SCAN|BOARD_NAM |     3 |  207 |      2 |       |
|       TABLE ACCESS BY INDE|PHY_BOARD |   443K|    5M|    708 |       |
|        INDEX RANGE SCAN   |PBRD_BOAR |   443K|      |     22 |       |
|   VIEW                    |          |   443K|   48M|        |       |
|    SORT UNIQUE            |          |   443K|   34M|  59335 |       |
|     HASH JOIN             |          |   443K|   34M|   3058 |       |
|      INDEX FAST FULL SCAN |BOARD_NAM |   190 |   12K|      2 |       |
|      TABLE ACCESS FULL    |PHY_BOARD |   443K|    5M|   3008 |       |

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Author: Mercadante, Thomas F

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Received on Fri Dec 06 2002 - 12:15:05 CST

Original text of this message