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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: sys login -probably a dumb question
have two instnaces on some machines as well. normally I've ORACLE_SID set to a first instance, lets asume ONE. typing at the command line
sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
sqlplus "sys/passphrase as sysdba"
sqlplus "sys/passphrase_at_ONE as sysdba"
are the same.
now either you choose to set
then it works the same way for instance TWO.
The other way is
sqlplus "sys/passphras_at_TWO as sysdba"
For the latter it might be that you must assure, that you can tnsping your instances from the local machine. Never checked that out separately, because I always arrange it that way. This works on SunOS-es and on LINUX-es.
>>> 12/05/02 20:56 PM >>>
I have 2 instances on a sun box.
instance abc I can connect by just -- sys/not_default_at_abc
but on instance def I can't connect by
sys/not_default2_at_def it gives a
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
I have to use sys/not_default2_at_def as sysdba. why?
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