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RE: RE: New development in Cobol or PL/SQL - please help

Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 06:33:40 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Dick, others - Question for you. Consider that a company's custom-written software is one of its largest hidden investments. To do it successfully, a company must not only invest a lot of programmer time, but time and effort from people all over the organization to dig in an really understand the requirements. For many companies in retrospect COBOL has been very successful because they haven't had to rewrite the programs in many years. You may argue that maybe that was too long, but I would respond that it is better to rewrite for business reasons rather than because of technological obsolescence. You also must pick a popular language so you have many experienced programmers available to hire. Now, which language would you advise a large company to select? Do you feel that the "new COBOL" has emerged, a general-purpose business language that will be around for years, widely available?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 5:52 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L


    IMHO, if Babette's organization "see themselves as *never* leaving the Cobol
arena" then it's time to dust off the resume as that organization will become
extinct. No one that I know of is learning Cobol anymore and there are no classes at the local universities on the subject. Fortran classes and programmers are also becoming a scarce resource to find which is why we left ManMan and TurboImage for PeopleSoft and Oracle.

Dick Goulet

____________________Reply Separator____________________
Author: "Mercadante; Thomas F" <>
Date:       11/18/2002 5:03 AM


The decision really comes down to the organization. If they see themselves as *never* leaving the Cobol arena, and they have an ample supply of Cobol programmers, then they should stay with it.

What you could do is to make friends with the applications people, and show them how PL/SQL works. What you will find is that they will take to PL/SQL like a fish to water. And pretty soon, more and more PL/SQL packages will be written that are simply called by the Cobol programs. Cobol would then be a simple entry point to the database - able to interface nicely with the operating system (reading and writing flat files, producing reports and forms), while the majority of the logic may be written in PL/SQL.

Maybe, just maybe, the person making the decision see's no benefit to using PL/SQL. And given your local labor market, maybe he's right!

Tom Mercadante
Oracle Certified Professional

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 1:18 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

"Khedr, Waleed" wrote:
> Cobol! Again!:(
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 5:24 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> I just found out today that we have a major development initiative that is
> starting and they are planning on using Pro*Cobol to develop the
> application. (my head is still shaking in disbelief!!!)
> So we will have a Java front-end, invoking MQ series that will go across
> the mainframe for MQ series to invoke Pro*Cobol programs that will then do
> the processing (accessing data and doing calculations) and then return
> If anyone has been in this or a similar situation, please help.
> I need some really good arguments as to why we should put the business
> into PL/SQL instead of Pro*Cobol.
> I understand the reason we are using Oracle is that the director has 15
> years experience with it and loves it. Aaargh!!!
> thanks
> Babette

May I play the devil's advocate? Even if Pro*Cobol seems to be a weird choice, there may be a case for not coding the logic in PL/SQL : database portability. I have heard recently of a very, very, very big company dumping Oracle in favour of DB2. Reason ? Cost. I guess that in such a case, porting a Pro*Cobol program is easier than PL/SQL.


Stephane Faroult
Oriole Software
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Received on Tue Nov 19 2002 - 08:33:40 CST

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