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Re: Partition Question

From: Mark Richard <>
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 14:08:38 -0800
Message-ID: <>

I agree...

What are you trying to accomplish with partitioning? Partitioning by year / month / day / whatever can make it easy to truncate / archive old data. The only trick is to create new partitions before they are required.

Another goal of partitioning may be query execution. You might partition a table by a certain column what is frequently stored in a where clause. This might restrict the query to a partition rather than the entire table and (depending on the query) could give a performance gain.

If you are lucky partitioning will achieve both, if you are unlucky partitioning will just introduce a maintenance hassle. Think about why you want to partition the table and what you expect to gain by doing it. Whatever you do, don't partition simply because you can.



                    Don Jerman                                                                                      
                    <       To:     Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>       
          >            cc:                                                                       
                    Sent by:              Subject:     Re: Partition Question                                       
                    Please respond                                                                                  
                    to ORACLE-L                                                                                     

It depends on your reason for partitioning -- if you mean to drop a partition in
the future (to roll off the 1999 data or whatever) then the ID range is potentially a valid approach, as long as ID is serial. If you just want to put
chunks on different disk volumes, you could use the type or even a hash partitioning scheme. It's down to what you're trying to accomplish, and what is
good for one partition key is probably bad or neutral for the other.

Hamid Alavi wrote:

> Hi List,
> I have a question regarding partitioning: If I want to partition a table
> which strategy is better, like do i have to use a value which from first
> of using this table all those partion is using or just using first
> then second etc.
> E.G:
> If I do partion tableA based on ID range 10000000, so for few month the
> first partion of this table will be used then second partion, but if I
> partion it on Type (1,2,3,4,5) any record can be any of these type and
> first day all of the partions will be used.
> Just want to check with you guys which way is better for performance?
> THanks for HELP>
> Hamid Alavi
> Office 818 737-0526
> Cell 818 416-5095
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Received on Tue Nov 05 2002 - 16:08:38 CST

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