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RE: Double Take and Oracle

Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 06:28:47 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Denham - I searched Oracle's site and could find no mention of Double Take. My guess is that they work successfully with SQL Server, but that has a different architecture that lends itself to being backed up without it being aware of it. I hope you haven't mailed that check yet.

Dennis Williams
Lifetouch, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 2:28 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Hello Esteemed Gurus

Pls advise.......
We are trying to get Double Take to work on our site. Does anyone actually have this product working???

Salesperson claims Double Take is certified by Oracle - does anyone know? Where could I find out, other than the company itself?

For those of you who don't know this product pls give your opinion. Double Take is a software that copies your database files and parameter files etc across to a disaster recovery machine, bit for bit. At failure of the production the recovery becomes the production system and starts up the database. Basicly the datafiles are still open??

We get the following error when we start up the database on the recovery system in tests:
ORA-01172: recovery of thread 1 stuck at bloack 176624 of file 2. I would just like to add that when this happens we resync the databases and try again to test and guess what - it is the turn of file 3 to give the above error, and so back and forth we go.

To say the very least I am frustrated beyond comprihension. To make this worse there is no one else in South Africa that uses this software with Oracle, apparently in France. Convienant - I'd say. So I have no one to turn to about this. (Apparently it works well with MSSQL). Anyone any ideas?

The Enviroment is Windows 2K SP3.
Oracle 817

Denham Eva
Oracle DBA
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