It depends on what you're doing. The use of a join
technique over another depend on how much data you
need to access.
If you read very few information from both tables then
a nested loop is the fastest way to get data. To use a
nested join at a cheap cost you need a good index on
the outer table.
On the other hand, if your query output contained
allmost all data from both tables than an hash join or
a sort merge is better than a nested loop.
If you're in a DW and have data organized with
dimension and fact tables than the optimiser should be
using star transformation.
- "Leonard, George" <> a
écrit : > Hi there
> Can someone please give me in order of
> preference/cost the relevant costs
> for the different joins.
> IE:
> This join is cheap,
> This is very expensive,
> This is bad and always avoid.
> George
> ________________________________________________
> George Leonard
> Oracle Database Administrator
> Dimension Data (Pty) Ltd
> (Reg. No. 1987/006597/07)
> Tel: (+27 11) 575 0573
> Fax: (+27 11) 576 0573
> Web:
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