What follows might be all hogwash, you could have
tried this:
devtype varchar2(256);
done boolean;
devtype := dbms_backup_restore.deviceallocate('',
which drags a copy of the control file that was
included in the backup into /tmp/foo.bar. (Obviously
this has to be run against a different ie "up"
Then startup nomount the db to be recovered, rman the
'replicate controlfile' and then restore/recover in
the normal way. I think this functionality came in
when they allowed a no-catalog mechanism, so if you
lost everything, you could still make use of a backup.
- JOE TESTA <JTESTA_at_longaberger.com> wrote: > Ok so
the qa environment we've been fooling around
> with rman for testing backup/recovery.
> tonite they say " we want a backup restored from
> rman from 2 incarnations ago(for those of u who dont
> know what an incarnation is, its a new version of
> the database that gets created when you do open
> resetlogs <-- if thats wrong please RMAN gurus
> correct me.
> So I get out the book, the docs say "in the event
> you have to do this, which should be rare", you must
> do the
> "reset database to incarnation" command.
> seems easy enough, fire up rman, startup nomount,
> reset incarnation and it finds the old backups, and
> starts the restore.
> so far so good, but then the catch, being a rman
> newbie(8.1.7), i forgot to make a controlfile
> backup, now if i'd had that, this should have been
> cake,restore the control file in nomount mode, mount
> and restore the datafiles, recover the datafiles and
> open resetlogs, did i forget to say, this is a
> Well, for whatever reason, the database wouldnt
> open, due to using a newer controlfile.
> hmmm, i've done this before, i'll just dump the
> controlfile to trace(yes i did this BEFORE the
> restore, just in case of an actual emergency).
> rebuild the control file, try the recover again(did
> i say we're going to a particular SCN based on the
> info from list backup/list incarnation commands), no
> deal, damn database will not open.
> regroup, wait a minute, rman aint anything special,
> let's do this:
> restore the files from rman backup again.
> exit rman
> sqlplus: recover database until scn #######;
> alter database open resetlogs;
> rman: <check> resync catalog;
> CHOKE, but i expected that,
> rman: reset database;
> full catalog sync AND
> we're good to go.
> Where did go wrong in using RMAN to do the
> recover/restore ???
> joe
Connor McDonald
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