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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Exportable Users?
why not run a full export, as the users that done have any objects, all
you get is the create user statement anyways, seems hardly worth the
effort to figure out.
Denham Eva wrote:
> Hello Guru's
> Oracle 817 and Win2K
> I'am experimenting with a script - hopefully in the right direction.
> The idea is to create a list of users who own any object and thus
> should/could be exported.
> -----Script so far -----
> SELECT owner FROM all_objects, all_users
> WHERE owner = username;
> ---- Script End---
> Problem is I am getting in this list the users ORDSYS, MDSYS for
> instance.
> When you run an export on any of these you get the following error
> EXP-00010: ORDSYS is not a valid username or not an exportable username
> Export command is as follows:
> exp system/********@sid grants=y indexes=y owner=ORDSYS file=ORDSYS
> log=ORDSYS
> OK what I would like to know is there a way to run a similar script
> which only produces a list of exportable users??
> Many Thanks
> */Denham Eva/*
> */Oracle DBA/*
> /In UNIX Land/
> /On a quiet Night, you can hear the Windows machines reboot./
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