well, if you can hold off on creating the database until the OS changes
are done, I would, if only to prevent extra work
otherwise.... after I created the database and before the OS changes
were done I would a) backup all Oracle executables b) backup the
database c) export the database and backup the dump file
then shutdown the database and let the SA do the upgrade.
Relink the Oracle executables, checking for errors (missing library
files, bad paths etc)
Re-open the database... if the relink went well, you should be able to
just open the database with no problems. If not, you have the backups
to go back to
- Ron Rogers <RROGERS_at_galottery.org> wrote:
> List,
> server Alpha ES40
> O.S. OpenVMS 7.2-1
> Oracle 8.1.7 rel 3
> We are starting to migrate our database from a Novell server with
> Oracle 7.3.4 to the OpenVMS platform and I have a question that needs
> answers or suggestions.
> The sysadmin has set up the required OS parameters that I could
> find
> listed in the notes and on Metalink. There are a lot of OS patches
> recommended by Oracle for this version of the OS and the sysadmin is
> looking into them. The sysadmin would like to upgrade the system to
> OS
> 7.3 in the near furure (09/02-03/02) rather than apply the patches
> and
> then upgrade the OS down the road.
> What would be the effect on the database if I created a database
> today
> and then the sysadmin upgraded the OS in 2 weeks?
> Would I have to do any major reconfiguring or rebuilding?
> Would it really matter to the operation of the database?
> What steps as far as Oracle is concerned should I pay attention to
> and
> perform?
> Would your recommend that I not create the database until after the
> OS
> is upgraded and stable?
> Thanks,
> Ron
> ROR mô¿ôm
> --
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> Author: Ron Rogers
> INET: RROGERS_at_galottery.org
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
> San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing
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Received on Thu Aug 15 2002 - 09:38:23 CDT