she is. And she does. And she's the one in charge of the RDA project --
the Remote Diagnostic Agent
And from experience, yeah, some people at Oracle Support are less than
wonderful. And some (like Anita) are amazing.
As with everything, you win some, you lose some. Depends on who you
talk to.
Oh, and it's always possible to get your TAR reassigned. You ask to
speak to the duty manager. And keep asking.
The only reason you get stuck with someone who doesn't know what they
are doing is because you let yourself get stuck.
- "Weaver, Walt" <> wrote:
> Anybody know if Anita Bardeen is still working for Oracle Support?
> --Walt Weaver
> Bozeman, Montana
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 10:54 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Yes, Oracle support sucks, and is staffed with morons. However one
> thing
> you get with Oracle support that you cannot get with third party
> support is
> bug fixes and product upgrades. If you want this without a support
> contract, you need to buy new licenses each time you upgrade.
> Rodd
> On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 11:13, Steven Lembark wrote:
> -- Naveen Nahata <>
> > Now they say, that this can't be done and the product license will
> be
> > terminated if we want this. The thing is that Oracle support is
> useless(I
> > get more help from this forum :) ), but we still want it, just in
> case.
> Ever heard of "FUD"? That's what Oracle is selling you if
> you think their support is that bad: fear of not having
> support that you don't want because you think it's bad.
> Q: Does anyone know of any reliable 3rd party support for
> Oracle?
> --
> Steven Lembark 2930 W. Palmer
> Workhorse Computing Chicago, IL 60647
> +1 800 762 1582
> --
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> --
> Author: Steven Lembark
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
> San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing
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Received on Wed Aug 14 2002 - 20:13:20 CDT