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But inside a Oracle datafile a table may not lie in contigious blocks. so I you are doing a full table scan 2 extents can lie next to each other than then the remaining 2 can sit at the end of the datafile. Will the non-Oracle process be able to decipher this and do a read ahead of those two extents? Probably not...
Yechiel Adar <> on 08/13/2002 01:50:15 PM
Please respond to
Sent by:
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <> cc:
You wrote:
> Will the "smarter algorithm" look inside the contents of a file before
> reading it? If it does not, then how will it be able to "intelligently"
> read ahead what data Oracle wants from inside its datafile? If it does,
> does it decipher the Oracle's way of storage?
How about using a variation of the algorithm ADABAS (database) is using for
sequential user reads:
1) Return the block requested.
2) If the next block is requested in a short period read the next 5 blocks
to the
controller cache.
3) If those are read in order and request come for the next block read each
time 10 blocks.
This is just from the top of my head but will assist greatly for full
table scan of big tables. Also remember that in Oracle before 9i blocks
used in FTS are put at the end of lru so are great candidates to be
and you will read them again and again.
Yechiel Adar
----- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 5:30 PM
> Tim, Jared and Kirti
> Jared, Kirti : Thanks a lot for your input. and yes, I read the Sane SAN
> paper.
> Tim : Many thanks to you for pointing out some of the big
> I had made. I have corrected most of the stuff you had mentioned except
> for these
> >. * I'm less clear on whether SANs themselves perform read-ahead and
> the
> > conditions under which they do so. I'm pretty sure that they are
> > about it than what you describe; usually read-ahead mechanisms are
> > triggered by detected patterns of usage, not algorithms as simple as
> > described...
> Will the "smarter algorithm" look inside the contents of a file before
> reading it? If it does not, then how will it be able to "intelligently"
> read ahead what data Oracle wants from inside its datafile? If it does,
> does it decipher the Oracle's way of storage?
> > * your example about "read-ahead" conflicts makes some invalid
> > assumptions, namely about space being allocated in blocks not extents
> (when
> > does *that* ever happen?) and about "read-ahead being set to 3 blocks"
> > (again, when does *that* ever happen?).
> It does not happen. However I am going to be talking to a bunch of
> non-Oracle folks and management so I want to keep it as simple as
> > Altogether, empirical evidence (i.e. many successful SAN
> > under Oracle over several years) does not lend credence to your basic
> > assertion that "SAN and Oracle don't go well together". It is a fact
> that
> > they do...
> I am not trying to make a statement "SAN and Oracle dont go well
> I am trying to convince my management that buying a SAN does not mean
> we never need to worry about IO any more. Even a SAN needs to be
> configured. Currently they are under the impression that there are no IO
> problems but my database IO waits are 50% of the total response time. All
> my index, table data are scattered all over the disks - many on the same
> disk and the answer I get is "No, we are not tasking the SAN at all.
> are no IO issues"
> Thanks a lot
> Babu
> Tim Gorman <> on 08/13/2002 07:58:29 AM
> Please respond to
> Sent by:
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
> cc:
> Babu,
> Is it possible that you are confusing the term "SAN" with the term "NAS"?
> As I read through your email, I couldn't help thinking that you
> "network-attached storage" rather than "storage-area networks". If so,
> some
> of my comments below might change slightly, but not much...
> ---
> Most of your major assumptions are correct, but there are important
> errors...
> * DBWR only does RW, never RR or SR. Mostly Oracle server processes
> RR and SR, but ARCH also does SR, as do backup processes (whatever they
> are); everyone always forgets to add backup processes to the mix...
> * SW is characteristic of LGWR and ARCH, but also of processes
> performing sorting (i.e. "direct writes" wait-event). I think you'll
> that databases generating a lot of redo (and archived redo) and
> lots of sorting are not necessarily "misconfigured". The amount of redo
> generated is really a characteristic of the application itself, not the
> database configuration. High amounts of sorting can possibly be tuned,
> that too is more a characteristic of the application and users usage of
> than database configuration...
> * I'm not sure what your conclusions regarding RAID5 chunks or RAID0
> stripes are, but I suspect they are incorrect. Oracle DB_BLOCK_SIZE
> not come close to matching RAID5 chunksize of RAID0 stripesize; even
> largest
> I/O requests (for full-table scans) generated by Oracle should be much
> smaller than RAID5 chunksize or RAID0 stripesize, for most databases.
> whatever conclusions you are drawing from that point about sizes is
> incorrect...
> * I'm less clear on whether SANs themselves perform read-ahead and
> conditions under which they do so. I'm pretty sure that they are smarter
> about it than what you describe; usually read-ahead mechanisms are
> triggered by detected patterns of usage, not algorithms as simple as
> described...
> Anyway, based on your mistaken assumptions, your list of conflicts
> SAN and Oracle are quite mistaken as well...
> * the difference between the "stripe width" and DB_BLOCK_SIZE is not
> "excess I/O" at the SAN level; the disk drives do not necessary read the
> entire "stripe" or "chunk"; they merely *store* data in those extents on
> the device. They don't have to read/write in those increments...
> * your example about "read-ahead" conflicts makes some invalid
> assumptions, namely about space being allocated in blocks not extents
> does *that* ever happen?) and about "read-ahead being set to 3 blocks"
> (again, when does *that* ever happen?). You do have some of the basic
> ideas
> right, but please remember that your assumptions may be overly simplistic
> or
> just unlikely. Moreover, remember that some of your basic assumptions
> (especially regarding SW and database configuration) are just plain
> wrong...
> * your points about caching are mostly correct, except for DBWR doing
> reads again. Also, even though LGWR uses something called the "log
> buffer",
> please be aware that this data structure is not a "cache". A "buffer" is
> data structure into which data is written once and read only once; a
> "cache" is a data structure into which data is (hopefully) written once
> (hopefully) read many times. So, I/O in the LGWR stream is *not* cached
> Oracle at all. The "buffer" mechanism is there purely to facilitate
> concurrency and the multiplexing of multiple server processes generating
> redo into the single LGWR process performing the write to online redo log
> files. Lastly, your comment about "SAN's buffer can never really provide
> to
> Oracle the data it reads most ? Its already there in Oracle" is just
> incorrect. Please remember the distinction between a "buffer" and a
> "cache", first of all. Second, remember that not all I/O is cached by
> Oracle (i.e. redo). Third, please remember that database performance
> "health" is not guaranteed by high BCHR in Oracle anyway...
> ---
> Many of the concepts discussed here are not characteristic only of SANs;
> they also pertain to file-systems, logical volume managers, JBOD, and
> not just SANs. Please rethink some of the concepts you are thinking
> about...
> Altogether, empirical evidence (i.e. many successful SAN implementations
> under Oracle over several years) does not lend credence to your basic
> assertion that "SAN and Oracle don't go well together". It is a fact
> they do...
> ---
> If my original supposition that you are confusing "SAN" with "NAS" is
> correct, then I would agree with you that "NAS and Oracle don't go well
> together" in most situations, especially those involving high volumes of
> I/O. NAS is great for non-DBMS uses (i.e. file serving) and for uses
> low-volumes of I/O from DBMSs (i.e. DEV environment), but there is lots
> empirical evidence out there indicating that NAS stinks for high-volumes
> I/O from DBMSs. Of course, that opinion is based on the current state of
> affairs -- many NAS vendors have significant advances in technology in
> pipeline that may dramatically alter that assessment in the future, even
> the
> near future...
> Hope this helps...
> -Tim
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: "Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L" <>
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 11:48 PM
> All
> I have a meeting tomorrow where I am going to point out why SAN and
> does not go very well together. Here are my thoughts. Can you pick holes
> this argument, modify it or suggest any changes....
> Babu
> SAN and Oracle ? Conflicting IO behavior
> * There are four types of IO in Oracle
> 1. Random Reads (RR) ? DBWR - Using indexes
> 2. Sequential Reads (SR) ? DBWR - Full table scans
> 3. Random Writes (RW) ? DBWR ? Writing dirty blocks
> 4. Sequential Writes (SW) ? LGWR, Arch ? Writing redo logs and Redo
> Archival + Control files
> * Bulk of any Oracle database's IO is done in RR, SR and RW. If SW is
> very high it denotes configuration problems.
> * SAN (or for that matter any RAID device) is configured for writing
> reading large chunks at a time. The stripe size on most SANs and RAID
> devices are 256K or more. Compare this to the Oracle block size of 4k/8k
> most databases (going upto 32K in datawarehouses)
> * SANs do *Read Ahead*. If one block is requested, they read more
> one blocks *while at the disk* hoping that the same process will request
> the other blocks some time soon.
> Here is the conflict.
> * When ever Oracle does a RR, SR or RW it writes randomly and not
> sequentially. It will read/write a particular block at a time in case of
> RR and RW and 'x' blocks (where x = dbfile_multi_block_read_count) in
> of SR. Therefore only during SR will Oracle use the entire stripe width
> all other cases, The difference in the stripe width and db_block_size
> be excess IO.
> * Why *read ahead* will cause a conflict :
> * The internal structure of a datafile could be as follows. The file
> consists of 10 blocks. These are occupied by 3 tables. The blocks shown
> below are numbered using table_name.block_number
> ----+---------+---------|
> | | | | | | | |
> | | |
> | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2.1 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 2.2 |
> | 2.3 | 3.4 |
> | | | | | | | |
> | | |
> ----+---------+---------|
> * The first block on the datafile is the first block of table 1,
> block is the second block of table 1, the third block is the first block
> table 2 and so on.. (For simplicity sake, I am assuming Oracle will
> allocate space in blocks and not in extents)
> * Now assume Oracle requests the first block of table 1. Assume read
> ahead is set to three blocks (three blocks will be read instead of 2
> blocks). In this case the SAN will read 2.1, 3.1,3.2.
> * The blocks 3.1 and 3.2 will be entirely useless as Oracle is never
> going to read it. SAN cannot tell that the block 2.2 that Oracle might
> possible request next is the 7th block in the datafile and so it can
> *read ahead* intelligently.
> Why the buffer of SAN has very little impact w.r.t Oracle read
> * Oracle has its own buffering for all IO types
> * DBWR reads and writes uses the DB Buffer Cache
> * LGWR uses the Log buffer
> * Db buffer Cache is managed by a LRU Algorithm (Touchcount from 9I).
> * Bulk of the IO done by Oracle is Logical IO (LIO) and not Physical
> (PIO).
> * Assume the buffer cache hit ratio is 80%. This means that only 20%
> the IO calls are PIO. Only 20% of the calls ever hit the SAN's cache.
> this 20% is probably the least requested/never requested data (going by
> Oracle's LRU algorithm) , its quite likely that the SAN's buffers don't
> have this either.
> * Given that Oracle is going to cache even this 20% in its buffers,
> next PIO call is going to be for something totally different ? which is
> there in the SAN's buffer.
> * Couple this with the read-ahead (discussed earlier), Our SAN's
> is now populated with lots of data that Oracle might never use a PIO to
> retrieve.
> * Thus the SAN's buffer can never really provide to Oracle the data
> reads most ? Its already there in Oracle.
> To be fair, SAN's huge buffers will come as a boon to small databases ?
> where the entire database can be cached in the SAN's buffers.
> --
> Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
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> Author:
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
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> Author: Tim Gorman
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
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> Author:
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-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Yechiel Adar INET: Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing). -- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: INET: Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Tue Aug 13 2002 - 17:13:13 CDT
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