isn't this what sppurge.sql is for?
> Lee - Just in case you were recalling a comment that I made, I'll
> repeat it.
> To clear some or all STATSPACK statistics, I have had good luck
> deleting
> from STATS$SNAPSHOT. It appears that the other STATSPACK tables
> populated by
> taking snapshots are connected by relations such that deleting from
> STATS$SNAPSHOT also cleans up those tables. I have also had success
> deleting
> a range of snapshots. You might want to do this to keep the more
> recent
> snapshots while clearing older snapshots. A word of warning: Because
> so many
> tables are related to STATS$SNAPSHOT, deleting can be VERY slow. On
> my
> system it seems to average about a row/minute.
> Dennis Williams
> Lifetouch, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 4:23 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Guys,
> Oracle 8.0.5
> I am sure a short time ago, someone posted a method of effectively
> archiveing off statspack information in order to keep the tables at a
> reasonable size and to ensure that the info is removed from the
> tables in an
> orderly fashion.
> Anyone still got a hold of this mail or is the original author in a
> generous
> mood and fancies posting it again.
> Lee
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