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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Millions of sequence in a database to record the counter for millions of products?
hi, dbas:
Maybe this is some stupid idear, but this is the best idear i can think , the following is the requirement of our site: 1. every view to the one page(one product) is recorded, and the count is added by one, doing a commit. 2. There is 1700K pageview to recorded everyday, thus at lease 1700K commit to the database, every second there is about 40 commits, in peak time, maybe 60/second. 3. The counter is needed for Data Analyse, so cannot drop it. The developer and the manager want to delay commit, that is , commit after every 100(or 1000) pageview, do a commit. But there is difficulty with multiple middleware that do the delayed commit, and lock contention with one statement to update 100-200 records every second by different middleware servers. I think use sequence is better to do this work. Every product have a unique product_id, and the old way is:update products set view_count=view_count+1 where product_id=v_product_id; So there is about 1700K commit of this statement now, and more and more this statement these days, database is burdened too much.
Now i want to: after every view to some product (one single page), just do a: select seq_product_id.nextval from dual; THis shows the current pageview of the product. But there is about 80k products online, so it means that i have to create 80k sequence, and with the rapid growth of the products online, there will be more and more products online. Every new product is added to the database, i generate a unique sequence name like 'SEQ_product_ID'; maybe someday 200k products on line, so it means i have to create 200k sequences, and with history products, i also have to keep the old sequence. This is foolish maybe, but is there any better way to count 80k products with their view_count? Please share your opnion. Thanks.
Good luck!
zhu chao
DBA of
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