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Is it really a DOS batch file or is it 95 or NT4 or W2K / XP - or does it need to run on all of them? This is important as the options vary.
Anyway, below is a copy of a post I made in March 2002 describing some of the options:
Bruce Reardon
"In W2K it is easy, you can use set/p - type set/? to get the help and see below.
H:\>set/p fred=[input value for fred]
[input value for fred]oracleis?
H:\>echo %fred%
Or you can call sqlplus and have sqlplus do the prompting and then have it host out to the bat file and pass in the parameters. Or you could Perl or a Unix emulator or I imagine their are many shareware / freeware utilities.
Under NT4 other options are not easy and I have listed a number of ways and links that show how you can achieve this:
Or from a Tom Lavedas posting on the newsgroup alt.msdos.batch.nt
(dated Tue, 05 Jun 2001 09:04:04 -0400 entitled "prompting for a parameter"
Old problem - batches were initially assumed to run unattended -
therefore, there was no need for user interaction. However, in the
PC/Windows environment, they are useful for scripting many redundant
tasks, even some that require/benefit user interaction.
MS finally added recognized this fact by adding the /P (prompt) functionality to the SET statement in Win 2000 (but not before that). So, if you are in a pure Win 2000 environment, type SET/? at a command prompt to get information on the use of the /P switch.
If you are using NT 4 or are in a mixed NT/2000 environment, there is no 'perfect' solution. I have been interested in the subject of user input for a long time and have developed and collected various techniques, which I offer for your consideration:
For example ...
Dim Input Input = InputBox("Enter your name") MsgBox ("You entered: " & Input)
(see to get started)
4. A variation on the theme of 3 above is a hybrid WSH script/batch
:: InWSH.bat - A WSH/Batch hybrid string input routine. :: Requires Windows Script Host version 1.0 or later. :: Use optional command line argument UCASE to convert :: input to all uppercase or LCASE for lowercase. :: With WSH V2+, EVAL allows math operations, as well. :: Tom Lavedas <> :: off
If you call this with a single command line parameter of Ucase or LCase, it will return the string input by the user in the appropriate case. If you have WSH v5.1+ and use EVAL as the command line argument, it will do math operations as well, as in ....
C:\> inwsh eval
Enter a string: 11 * 12
You typed 132
This approach will work with Win 98 and Win 2000 and probably NT right out of the box.
5. In Win2K the following works:
SET /P variable=[promptString]
6. Finally, this NT specific approach, originally given by Walter
Zachery, improved and supplied by Clay Calvert, ....
@echo off
echo Enter Input:
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (
'format/f:160 a: ^|find "..."') do set Input=%%a
set Input=%Input:~30%
This approach will spin the floppy drive, but won't change anything. The drive does not need to be occupied.
Tom Lavedas
I have seen a web site showing how to do it using label (similar to the format command).
You Can also use choice command - available from
And from another alt.msdos.batch.nt posting:
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 16:28:40 -0800
Here's one way that will work in WinNT4.0. If you are using Win2000,
you can use 'SET /P' instead.
==========begin file C:\cmd\TEST\ZZZINPUT.CMD ==========
001. @echo off 002. echo. 003. call rdstring ZQusername "Please enter your name:" 004. call rdstring ZQuserphone "Phone:" 005. call rdstring ZQaddress1 "Street Address:" 006. call rdstring ZQcity "City:" 007. call rdstring ZQstate "State:" 008. call rdstring ZQZip "ZIP Code:" 009. set ZQ 010. goto :EOF 011. :EOF
==========begin file C:\cmd\TEST\RDSTRING.CMD ==========
001. @echo off 002. :: 003. :: based on method originally provided by Walter Zachary 004. :: and modified by Tom Lavedas 005. :: 006. :: syntax: call rdstring (varname) "your prompt in double quotes" 007. :: 008. setlocal 009. set target=%1 010. set myprompt="""%2""" 011. set myprompt=%myprompt:""""=% 012. echo. 013. echo %myprompt% 014. for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ( 015. 'format/f:160 a: ^|find "..."') do set input=%%a 016. set input=%input:~30% 017. endlocal&set %target%=%input%&goto :EOF 018. :EOF 019.
eg 1 "convoluted" freeware option is to use ask from to put the response into a text file and then parse that with for command.
Bruce Reardon
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, 12 July 2002 7:34
You could use utility "choice.exe" (I think it comes with NT Resource Kit). Here is an example of the batch file:
echo off
choice /c:YN Do you want to Continue ?
if errorlevel 2 goto end
rem do whatever you need here
........................................... ..........................................:end
Obviously "N" answer returns "errorlevel 2".
Igor Neyman, OCP DBA
> All, > > I have a DOS batch file. In between this script, I > would like to add user interactive question. > > Ex: Do you want to Continue [Y/N]? > > Once they hit "Y", it will continue rest of the batch > file. > > Could someone able to help me out as per the above > requirement? > > Thanks, > Bob
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