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I have read that on Oracle 8.1.7 it is possible to create a function based index like the one:
Create index ind1 on <table> (substr(<column_name>))
tabelspace ....etc
And if Oracle optimizer is in CBO mode and
query_rewrite_enabled = true
query_rewrite_integrity = trusted
compatible = 8.1.0 or greater
A statement which has a where clause that involve a substr(<colum_name>) should use the index.
(*)I would like to know if it is also possible to create a function
based index on a NVL function that involve a bind variable, because
a have a statement like the one that follow:
select 'x'
from <table>
where <col_name> = nvl(:p_aa, <col_name>)
This statement perform a full table scan on <table>
ps: if (*) is possible could you please give an sintax example?
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