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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: runInstaller - ruinInstaller? RUINstaller?
Ahhh, but have you ever experienced the joy of ruinInstaller on OpenVMS?
The X-fonts come out so big that you sometimes have to guess what's in the
text box and hope it installed correctly. Same goes for all the other
Oracle-written Java tools, like Oracle Directory Manager.
Oracle's solution: Note 1071691.6 says to install all available fonts on the machine.
Yeah, right.
Rich Jesse System/Database Administrator Quad/Tech International, Sussex, WI USA
You can call me Rich. You can call me Jesse. Just don't page me.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don Granaman []
> Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 3:43 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: Re: runInstaller - ruinInstaller? RUINstaller?
> There have been times when I would have paid extra for (1) a
> character-mode
> installer and/or (2) a reliable and consistent way to create
> a listing of
> EXACTLY what was installed (e.g. the long-defunct "instver").
> I think I've installed Oracle with just about every mechanism
> they've had
> since Oracle 5 came out - cpio from tape, custom
> platform-specific scripts,
> a few dozen floppy disks (Xenix & DOS), orainst /c, orainst /m, and
> runInstaller. The java-infested runInstaller is one of the
> worst pieces of
> junk that Oracle has ever forced upon the user community.
> I've made it a
> point to express this opinion to several rather senior people
> at Oracle. A
> few - from the technical ranks - have even agreed (off the record of
> course). For one thing, "making it easy to install Oracle"
> makes it far too
> easy for the clueless to install it poorly!
[excerpted for brevity]
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