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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Deleting large table and the correct log buffer size
Being a non-certified MySQL DBA, I can assure you that delete performance in
Oracle is VERY disappointing if you've transitioned over from MySQL.
--Walt Weaver
Bozeman, Montana
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 2:35 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Good point, Jared. A thought occurs to me. Is it possible the Sybase architecture lends itself to deletes more than the Oracle architecture. As you study the Oracle architecture you note several places where Oracle is tuned for high insert/update performance at the expense of the delete performance. Perhaps someone on the list with experience in both Oracle and Sybase can comment on whether Sybase is faster at deletes. If that is true, I could see a DBA coming from a Sybase background might expect Oracle deletes to be much faster, while those of us who have only Oracle experience might have a different expectation.
Dennis Williams
Lifetouch, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 3:06 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Personally, I'd be pretty happy with a 400K row delete only taking 10 minutes.
"Vasu Ramasamy" <>
Sent by:
06/26/2002 09:49 AM
Please respond to ORACLE-L
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <> cc: Subject: Deleting large table and the correct log buffer size
Hello Gurus,
Ours is basically a Sybase shop. But moving towards Oracle. We are in
the process of conversion. I have a problem in deleting a large number
of rows. To delete 400,000 rows approx., it takes nearly 10 minutes to
complete and sometimes hogs system. It is a simple delete statement,
delete all rows. We do not want to use truncate statement. I try to find
why it is taking so much time by checking the wait events. The session
event wait statistics is provided below.
10 10 20 2 2 27log buffer space 298 271 29267 98.2114094 104 27log file switch completion 11 10 1069 97.1818182 103 27log file sync 3 2 221 73.6666667 103 27db file sequential read 3222 0 7695 2.38826816 589 27db file scattered read 271 0 493 1.81918819 236 27file open 4 0 0 0 0
The log_buffer_space wait event looks like is the culprit with total_wait =298, total_timeout = 271, and time_waited = 29267 ( 1/100th of a second). Are these normal values for this wait event? The log buffer init param is set to 20MB. To set up the init params, we took the advice of the consultant DBA who worked for a short time (6 months) to help us to set up servers. While I was going through the DBA hand books, ( 101 Oracle performance tuning by gaja krishna vaidyanatha and other) it clearly says that setting higher value will cause trouble. He recommends to set it to 1MB. I tried with 4MB log buffer, the wait stats for log_buffer_space just doubles.
Can you please advice me what should be the correct size for log buffer?
Do you see any problem with wait stats provided above?
If you need further details, let me know please.
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