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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: RE: Difference Between DBMS/RDBMS
Good lord that brings back memories. My senior year in high school I learned Fortran using a RAX system. RAX was an IBM acronym for Remote Access (nothing to do with relational).
After spending some time fooling around with CDC 6400s, I got my first programming job and wrote an indexed file management system on Prime computers -- virtual memory on a 32K machine with a whopping 12Mb disk drive.
Memory lane is seductive and addictive. This is the noisiest post I've seen in some time.
Kevin Kennedy
First Point Energy Corporation
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 9:14 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I would have to look at my (very dusty) notes to check on the system attributes and other particulars, but I recall using a system called RAX (relational something something), running on a IBM mainframe (OS/MVS ?), in 1964, at the Univ. of R.I. The execute command was /end run. I can not remember anything else about RAX at this time.
Thank you,
Paul Sherman
DBA Elcom, Inc.
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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:14 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Erm, programmed at college on something called a Sinclair ZX80 Spectrum 1K ram !!!!!!
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 25 June 2002 15:58
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
As I recall DB2 on a PC came about way back in the dark days of the 8080
processor and DOS (no version) somewhere around 1980 I believe. I seem to
vaguely remember running it on a very old (now a days) predecessor of the
laptop. If memory is serving I believe it was called an Osborne? RDB was
offered on the IBM mainframe and there was a VAX version that I remember
with as well.
Yeah, it's good to be old and reflect on the twists & turns we went
to make things work. Anyone remember programming with less than 1MB of ram?
remember trying to make things work on 16K.
Dick Goulet
Human memory is fragile, thank GOD!
____________________Reply Separator____________________ Author: "Mercadante; Thomas F" <> Date: 6/25/2002 6:08 AM
Oh you bunch of young whipper-snappers!
A long time ago in a place far-away, we started with simple File Systems.
Then came ISAM file systems.
These begate DBMS systems. Note there was no 'R' in original DBMS systems.
Some of these were simply an extention to ISAM files that allowed (and
demanded) a more formalized collection of files. In these files, there were
tables and indexes and primary keys. I remember these as "Hierarchical
Database Systems". Still no such thing as foreign keys.
Finally, I believe, DEC came out with the RBMS system which was (I know I will be corrected on this) one of the first Relational Database Managment Systems to be made available for large systems. (I have no knowledge of IBM products - anybody? When did DB2 make itself known?).
On PC's there was also something called RDB I think.
See, its good to be old!
Tom Mercadante
Oracle Certified Professional
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 8:24 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
i give up the R, is that the difference?
Santosh Varma wrote:
> could any body point me the difference(s) between DBMS and RDBMS ?? > because in DBMS also as in RDBMS, we can related two or more > tables..if a column exists in another table for relation ?? > > Thanks and regards, > > Santosh >
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