If your Duplicates are large in number then the
following method
works fine..
create table TMP as select distinct ( <set of columns
2. truncate table <ORIGINAL_TABLE>
3. insert into <ORIGINAL_TABLE> select * from TMP/use
SQL Loader after taking a dump from TMP.
- David Wagoner <dwagoner_at_arsenaldigital.com> wrote:
> Here is an interesting script I found on Metalink
> (Note:1019920.6) for
> removing duplicates, but I have not tried it yet:
> ======
> Title:
> ======
> Script to Eliminate Non-unique Rows
> ===========
> Disclaimer:
> ===========
> This script is provided for educational purposes
> only. It is NOT supported
> by
> Oracle World Wide Technical Support. The script has
> been tested and appears
> to work as intended. However, you should always
> test any script before
> relying on it.
> differences in the way text
> editors, email packages and operating systems handle
> text formatting
> (spaces,
> tabs and carriage returns), this script may not be
> in an executable state
> when
> you first receive it. Check over the script to
> ensure that errors of this
> type are corrected.
> =========
> Abstract:
> =========
> This script removes all but one row (all but the row
> with the highest rowid)
> from <owner>.<table> in each group of rows having
> identical values in
> <column(s)>. Multiple columns must be separated
> with commas (without
> spaces).
> Script TFSUNIQU is intended primarily for use in
> deleting rows that prevent
> the creation of a unique index on the columns in
> <column(s)>. It will
> happily delete rows that are not identical, as long
> as the rows are
> identical with respect to the values of the columns
> in <column(s)>.
> =============
> Requirements:
> =============
> You must have DELETE privileges on the selected
> table.
> =======
> Script:
> =======
> ----------- cut ---------------------- cut
> -------------- cut --------------
> SET ECHO off
> REM USAGE:"@path/tfsuniqu schema_name table_name
> column_name(s)"
> REM DELETE on selected table
> REM Grant Franjione, Phil Joel, and Cary Millsap
> REM (c)1994 Oracle Corporation
> REM Removes all but one row (all but the row with
> the highest rowid)
> REM from <owner>.<table> in each group of rows
> having identical values
> REM in <colum(s)>. Multiple columns must be
> seperated with commas
> REM (without spaces).
> REM TFSUNIQU is intended primarily for use in
> deleting rows that
> REM prevent the creation of a unique index on the
> columns in
> REM <column(s)>. It will happily delete rows
> that are not identical,
> REM as long as the rows are identical with
> respect to the values of
> REM the columns in <column(s)>.
> REM This script is provided for educational
> purposes only. It is NOT
> REM supported by Oracle World Wide Technical
> Support.
> REM The script has been tested and appears to
> work as intended.
> REM You should always run new scripts on a test
> instance initially.
> REM Main text of script follows:
> def owner = &&1
> def table = &&2
> def uukey = &&3
> delete from &owner..&table
> where rowid in (
> select rowid from &owner..&table
> minus
> select min(rowid) from &owner..&table group by
> &uukey
> )
> /
> undef owner
> undef table
> undef uukey
> ----------- cut ---------------------- cut
> -------------- cut --------------
> David B. Wagoner
> Database Administrator
> Arsenal Digital Solutions Worldwide, Inc.
> 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 110
> Cary, NC 27511-8582
> Office (919) 466-6723
> Pager 8666864767_at_archwireless.net
> Fax (919) 466-6783
> <http://www.arsenaldigital.com/>
> http://www.arsenaldigital.com/
> *** NOTICE ***
> This e-mail message is confidential, intended only
> for the named
> recipient(s) above and may contain information that
> is privileged, work
> product or exempt from disclosure under applicable
> law. If you have
> received this message in error, or are not the named
> recipient(s), please
> immediately notify the sender by phone or email and
> delete this e-mail
> message from your computer. Thank you.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 2:54 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> I know I have seen this posted before.......
> We have a large range partitioned table that has
> duplicates in it. What is
> the fastest way to remove the dups.? I have the
> following scripts which do
> it but may be fast or slow. What do you guys use?
=== message truncated ===
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