maybe I'm being simplistic and I know this will impact performance but
why not simply do a select to see if the condition exists before the
insert or update?
- wrote:
> I said something like "the way the unique constraints work".
> Ok. Here's my context.
> I have a table say intervals and 2 columns start_time and end_time.
> I want to check for overlapped intervals.
> I know what conditions to check but I can't implement them.
> Thanks!
> iulian
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 5:13 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> This email has been tested for viruses by F-Secure Antivirus
> administered by IT Network Department.
> Hi
> if unique does not suit your need what exactly do you need to check?
> duplicates: use primary key
> Jack
> Iulian.ILIES_at_oran
> To: Multiple
> recipients
> of list ORACLE-L <>
> Sent by: cc: (bcc: Jack
> van
> Zanen/nlzanen1/External/MEY/NL)
> Subject: Complex
> Integrity
> Checking
> 04-06-2002 15:58
> Please respond to
> Hi guys. Here's my problem.
> I want to check the new values (when inserting&updating a table)
> against
> the
> ones in the existing rows. Something like checking for duplicate
> values,
> but
> using a unique constraint doesn't suit my needs.
> I think of a before insert&update trigger, wherein checking my
> condition
> and
> raise a error if not valid. The problem is, in case of an update
> statement,
> I get the mutating "ORA-04091 table <my table> is mutating....".
> I read a lot of doc but I didn't find any helping ideas. Can you give
> me
> some, or maybe a new approach to this kind of problem?
> Thanks in advance!
> iulian
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Received on Tue Jun 04 2002 - 10:24:23 CDT