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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Urgent: Retrieving Disk Space
I had asked the developer to use another table space instead of system, he did that, but when restoring, the backup he missed that and the tables were restored in system table space.
The default table space name is STD.
I am not sure of the original size of temp table space.
As I have understood from Alexendre's message that the system table space has grown in size (one way process), does not actually occupy that much. So there probably isn't much worry, unless, some DML says out of disc space.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 2:43 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: RE: Urgent: Retrieving Disk Space
Autoextend is on for system tablespace (why?). What's the default tablespace for the account the developer used to create the object (system?), if not system his objects should not go to system tablespace so than maybe his temporary tablespace is system and he used this tablespace to perform a massive sort operation in order to fill that newly created table.
Temp is 1GB, mine is 13Gb (on one of our databases) and I don't worry about it. Question is did it grow also or was it 1Gb to begin with?
Abdul Aleem <dmit_at_beaconhouse To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>> cc: (bcc: Jack van Zanen/nlzanen1/External/MEY/NL) Sent by: Subject: RE: Urgent: Retrieving Disk Space 04-06-2002 11:03 Please respond to ORACLE-L
Thanx Jack,
The size of System01.dbf has grown from 1GB to 4GB The size of temp01.dbf is around 1GB now.
Best Regards,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 1:18 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
What has grown?
you don't mention datafiles. So if there is only the three types of files you mention there I can only assume that the part that has grown is the number of archive logs. These are needed for recovery since last backup and can not be thrown away. can be zipped though.
If I'm not mistaken if you use the insert /*+ APPEND */ hint it uses direct load and does not create so much redo (archives) and is faster as well
Abdul Aleem <dmit_at_beaconhouse To: Multiplerecipients> cc: (bcc: Jack van Zanen/nlzanen1/External/MEY/NL) Sent by: Subject: Urgent: Retrieving Disk Space 04-06-2002 09:58 Please respond to ORACLE-L
Our Oracle database is installed on second partition of the drive capacity
7GB. Last night one the developers executed a query to create and populate
table from another table. The query wasn't successful i.e., the table
couldn't get created.
However the database size has grown enormous almost occupying the whole
There are control files, redo log files, archive log files.
What to do?
TIA! Aleem
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Author: Jack van Zanen
INET: nlzanen1_at_EY.NL
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