Hi Rafiq,
We have been using 35 percent on our warehouse, even
on our fact partitions. Now that I have thought about
it for a while, that seems like a lot given the volume
of data. If a representative sample can be gathered
with 10,000 or 50,000 or 100,000 rows, and our fact
partitions have millions of rows each, seems like we
could go 1% on our analyze and it would be within
acceptable tolerances.
- Mohammad Rafiq <rafiq9857_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
> The most of the list memeber agrees on estimate with
> 30%....
> Regards
> Rafiq
> Reply-To: ORACLE-L_at_fatcity.com
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> <ORACLE-L_at_fatcity.com>
> Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 13:43:33 -0800
> Hi all,
> Did some investigation about statistical sampling
> this
> weekend since we are going to optimize our analyze
> process soon, and would like some input from all you
> orabrains on this one.
> I opened a TAR with Oracle asking about the sampling
> algorithm of stats collection, and they assured me
> it
> was random.
> The goal of analyze...estimate is to collect stats
> that are representative of the data population as a
> whole using a given sample set. Since analyzing
> tables
> takes up resources (does sorts to order the data for
> investigation) the fewer rows you use in estimate,
> the
> less system resources you use and the faster the
> analyze will go.
> Since our goal is to get as small a sample as
> possible
> and still have stats that are representative, my
> contention is that we could start by finding what
> the
> margin of error will be for each sample size and
> gauge
> our tolerance for it.
> One standard way to calculate margin of error for a
> given sample is by using this formula:
> M = 1/SQRT(N)
> where:
> M = margin of error
> N=sample size
> So, if we can tolerate stats that have a 1% a margin
> of error (will deviate from representative of the
> whole population by 1%), our sample size should be
> 10,000 rows.
> Also, a corollary (not a toyota corollary, though)
> to
> this would be that the more rows you add to your
> sample, the closer to representative your sample
> will
> be. So, in order to test whether your sample is
> representative enough, you could analyze using
> either
> estimate 49% or compute, take a snapshot of the
> stats,
> and then compare the stats from a 10,000 row
> estimate
> to those. Then, add rows to your estimate until you
> are satisfied with the stats.
> This of course is a pie in the sky mathematical
> model,
> but seems like a reasonable place to start with
> testing.
> Input? Input? Buhler? Buhler?
> /jack silvey
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INET: jack_silvey_at_yahoo.com
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Received on Tue May 21 2002 - 18:19:31 CDT