according to the docs and a friend in COE, slave wait is an "idle
event" -- it means that the dbwr slave is waiting for something to do
in other words, it ain't busy... not a "real" wait
- Tom Schruefer <> wrote:
> You know I could have all the documentation for Oracle printed on my
> brain,
> buy all the books ever written about the subject, but the primary
> wait
> problem that comes up will never be directly addressed.
> So, what exactly does 'Slave Wait' mean and what can I do about it?
> I am using DBWR Slaves, since it did not seem as though starting
> additional
> DBWR's was appropriate on a Win2000 system.
> Here are the Top 5 wait events as per Statpack and my shinny new
> 'Oracle
> Performance Tuning 101' book:
> Top 5 Wait Events
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wait
> %
> Total
> Event Waits Time (cs)
> Wt
> Time
> -------------------------------------------- ------------
> ------------ -----
> --
> slave wait 66,593
> 6,793,939
> 88.85
> PX Deq: Execution Msg 28,960
> 407,167
> 5.33
> PX Deq: Table Q Normal 19,864
> 302,480
> 3.96
> PX Deq Credit: send blkd 3,685
> 123,671
> 1.62
> PX Deq: Signal ACK 3,214
> 5,294
> .07
> I have a pretty good idea that 2-5 are for parallel query option,
> although I
> still have to figure out just what they mean.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> _____________________________________________________________
> Tom Schruefer -
> 410-313-6825
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Received on Tue May 21 2002 - 16:15:42 CDT