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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Users and Temp segments
Does v$sort_usage do what you are after or is there more to your need?
Also, the following 2 script fragments are code I have saved previously:
-- below from Metalink forum article "Re : find out which sql or user is using the temporary segment now "
-- Shows all SQL being executed that is in the temp tablespace.
select distinct a.sid, a.process, a.serial#,
to_char(a.logon_time,'YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS') logon,
a.osuser, tablespace, b.sql_text
from v$session a, v$sql b, v$sort_usage c
where a.sql_address = b.address(+)
and a.sql_address = c.sqladdr;
SELECT s.username,
s.osuser, ds.segment_name, su.tablespace, su.extents, su.blocks FROM dba_segments ds, v$session s, v$sort_usage su
Note that the 2nd used to work for us on 815 but now we are on 817 & using tempfile / temp tables / LMT / ? it seems to be missing something and returns too many rows.
Bruce Reardon
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, 9 May 2002 0:58
I know this is an OLD topic, but at the time I was not having a problem so I
let matters pass. But times change. Therefore, does anyone remember how to tie
a temporary tablespace segment back to a user session??
Dick Goulet
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Reardon, Bruce (CALBBAY)
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