Some truisms I've found after losing the fight at several different
- If the programming staff was there before you got there, you will
lose every fight
- If the programming staff was hired after you got there, but has a
prior working history with management, you will lose every fight
- If what you ask for means going back and recoding existing "working"
code, you will lose every fight
- If you haven't convinced the development staff that it really is
essential that you are part of the design process, you will lose every
- if the code has been provided by a 3rd party vendor, you will lose
every fight
- "No" is a complete sentence. But it should be backed up with the
reasons why doing whatever it is that they want you to will adversely
impact the application. They don't care what it does to the database,
but if it hurts the visible app, they will listen
- DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. Every time you lose a fight, send a note to
your home email address and to your manager explaining why you feel
this is a bad idea. Do not send it to your office email address, it's
too easy for those files to get lost (anyone old enough to remember the
"missing 18 minutes of tape"?)
- "Orr, Steve" <> wrote:
> > I lost the fight to have the code fixed, and so turned on
> > cursor_sharing. Worked like a charm
> Been there, done that... but now I feel better knowing that a
> tenacious
> goddess of the DBA battlefields also lost this fight. :-)
> It's a tough fight when embedded SQL is scattered all over the place
> and
> development is more concerned with coding the next feature set on
> "Internet
> time." Apart from the tons of embedded SQL, we have a "dynamic SQL
> generator" function in our code which creates SQL with literals based
> on
> states or values in webpage check boxes, radio buttons,
> dropdownlists, text
> boxes, etc. Since this is a central, oft-used part of the app I'm
> hoping to
> get duhvelopment to use bind variables in it but it's going to be an
> uphill
> battle. Just the normal frustration in the on-going DBA/Duhveloper
> battle.
> Sigh...
> Steve Orr
> Bozeman, MONTANA!
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 6:58 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Importance: High
> Minor correction, cursor_sharing did work in versions under
> (I
> used it in 8.1.6) but there was a bug relating to very specific
> usage.
> I never encountered it, I know you can look up the details of the bug
> on Metalink.
> Having said that, I used cursor_sharing=force instead of flushing the
> shared pool because it does almost entirely eliminate the "out of
> memory" error, while flushing, if you misset the timing, doesn't.
> We had programmers who did not want to use bind variables (Java
> prepared statements) and so, for an OLTP system where they were
> looking
> up registration information, we ended up with each SQL statement,
> differing only by the constant value being looked up, in the shared
> pool.
> I lost the fight to have the code fixed, and so turned on
> cursor_sharing. Worked like a charm
> Rachel
> --
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> Author: Orr, Steve
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
> San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing
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Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
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Received on Thu Apr 25 2002 - 13:08:39 CDT