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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: creating a procedure
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lance Prais []
> I want to create a stored procedure that takes the following
> information and
> puts it into a table. How would I do this?
> CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure Used_license as
> Begin
> Select A.Pc_session_id From pt_client_event A where
> A.pc_event_op = 'LAUNCH'
> and A.pc_date >=SYSDATE -1
> minus
> Select B.Pc_session_id From pt_client_event B where
> B.Pc_event_op = 'LOGOUT'
> and B.pc_date >=SYSDATE -1
> End;
> I am tying to do it this way but getting errors:
> PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "END" when expecting one of
> the following:
> * & - + ; / for mod rem an exponent (**) and or group having
> intersect minus order start union where connect ||
You are going to have to store the result of a query into a variable. Does the query return one row or more? If you just want to put the results of your query in to a table, use an "insert ... select ..."
Some examples:
create or replace procedure x
my_dummy sys.dual.dummy%type ;
my_object_name sys.dba_objects.object_name%type ;
cursor c_obj_name (c_owner in varchar2) is
select object_name from dba_objects where owner = c_owner ;
/* example of query that returns only one row */
select dummy into my_dummy from dual ;
/* example of query that returns several rows */ for c_obj_rec in c_obj_name ('SYSTEM') loop my_object_name := c_obj_rec.object_name ; end loop ;