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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: used segment space in bytes
Hi Dieter:
As you've said, you can use dbms_space
for this job.
This package tells you how many blocks has the object and
where's the HWM. And if you use the dbms_space.free_blocks() procedure, it will
also report how many blocks below the HWM are in the freelists.
You can also use this query to
know how many blocks hold at least one row:
SUBSTR(rowid,15,4)||SUBSTR(rowid,1,8)) FROM TABLE.
You can easily change it to work in
Oracle 8 too by using the dbms_rowid package.
Diego Cutrone
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hi guys!
what would be the easiest way to compute
the space
in bytes used by a segment?
it is rather easy to determine the # of
used blocks
by a specific segment by looking at the
for example. but how many blocks have been
really used
in one of those extents. i guess i would
be able
to compute the free blocks by using the
package but it just seems to
any hints ... ?
thank you
Received on Thu Jan 17 2002 - 13:08:50 CST