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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: OT -: SQL BackTrack info
Ok, you guys are really missing the support issue. :)
The support is very bad. Yes, you don't need it often.
But when you do need it, they don't have it.
SQL*Backtrack is normally run as a menu to the back end tools. As I recall, even most of the commands used in cron for scheduled backups are wrappers to the back end tools.
There are recovery situations that cannot be peformed from the SQL*Backtrack menu. If you run into one of those, and cannot figure it out, support will be unable to help you.
They know how to use the menu mode, and that's about it.
Just after leaving a previous job where SQL*Backslack is still in use, a tablespace in the data warehouse was trashed.
It took 30+ days to recover it. This is mostly due to inept support from BMC. They like to do a lot of finger pointing, such as 'Your Legato indexes need rebuilt', even though that does not fix the problem.
It used to be a great tool, and probably still is. I would not but it based simply on support issues.
"Smith, Ron L." To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <> <rlsmith_at_kmg.c cc: om> Subject: RE: OT -: SQL BackTrack info Sent by: root_at_fatcity.c om 01/16/02 11:13 AM Please respond to ORACLE-L
We have been using it for about 5 years on both Unix and NT. We have it
connected to Netbackup to handle the tapes. We love it. I agree that the
support is not what it used to be but we hardly ever need support.
Although, the last time we called we got a support person that knew more
about Oracle than
we did and knew SQL Backtrack inside and out. It's a great tool!
Ron Smith
Kerr-McGee Corp
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 10:55 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I am looking for some guidance from people who use this product. Is it a value add to the organization or not. If possible also let me know how in the hell does it do a online object extraction from the backup.
Would appreciate all your comments and recommendations
-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: Smith, Ron L. INET: Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-LReceived on Wed Jan 16 2002 - 17:18:51 CST
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