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RE: Becoming a DBA questions

From: Grabowy, Chris <>
Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 09:24:16 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Not quite, you still have to pay all the various taxes, insurance (which is usually more expensive, unless you can get into a group or organization plan), retirement account (but with no company matching), etc. So you may end up hiring a accountant to handle all that.

Then you have to constantly market yourself, looking for work, sometimes taking a long distance assignment. Then there is the negotiating for rates and the work. Some companies have locked in specific rates, so your stuck. There are gaps in billable engagements, some short, some long, but they eat into that 6 figure salary your trying to make.

Checkout for good info.


-----Original Message-----

Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 10:57 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

We actually heard in the office today that one of our contacts is currently forking ?120 PER HOUR for an Oracle contractor that has experience on UNIX / AIX based systems. This guy is working on a 40 hour per week basis - and the cash is paid directly to him! He is supposedly a very competent DBA.

With this in mind:

Per week = ?4,800
Per Month = ?19,200
Per Year = ?249,600 (!!!!)

I know these numbers may not be "true" as this guys is a contractor, and may not have 52 weeks of the year booked up - but..

For you guys an' gals in the US that equates to:

Per Hour = $172
Per Week = $6,900
Per Month = $27,600
Per Year = $358,775

Now THAT'S what I call making REAL money!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 07 January 2002 03:30
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Yeh, I thought wow as well
My question is this is it really possible to earn that sort of money as a DBA in the US?, and no I aint looking for a job over there. Just curious if this is total bull

We hear rumours routinely about salary levels in the US and they tend to contradict themselves sometimes figures such as this and then sometimes a lot, lot less. But then the same applies to the market here. There is probably a couple of key DBA's in Sydney and Melbourne that are 6 figures and then there is a lot of DBA's over here that earn more like midddle to high 5 figure incomes. Sydney figures always are or should be higher



Peter McLarty               E-mail:
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A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

"Sinard Xing" <> Sent by:
07/01/2002 11:40 AM
Please respond to ORACLE-L

        To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>

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        Subject:        RE: Becoming a DBA questions

200K US$ ??? Wow

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 05 January 2002 02:16
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Lemme get this right.

This guy is a *new* DBA. He's making 150k and he's not even a senior DBA, where he can make 200k?

That's all from me. I'm gonna go sulk now.


                   DENNIS WILLIAMS
                   <DWILLIAMS_at_LIFE       To:     Multiple recipients of
list ORACLE-L <>
                   TOUCH.COM>            cc:
                   Sent by:              Subject:     RE: Becoming a DBA

                   01/04/02 09:05
                   Please respond
                   to ORACLE-L

The following eweek article might be of interest. If the link gets mangled, the article is at Following the Data to a DBA Job by Jeff Moad.,3658,s%253D703%2526a%253D20563,00.asp

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Author: Grabowy, Chris
Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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