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RE: recovery during refresh

From: Molina, Gerardo <>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 23:04:13 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Run the following via svrmgrl or sqlplus

alter database backup controlfile to trace;

This generates a trace file in udump directory.

edit trace file:

  1. strip out all lines prior to "STARTUP NOMOUNT..."
  2. change all references to SID to test instance.
  3. change all reference to file names to appropriate names for test instance.
  4. make appropriate changes if there are any differences in number and size of online redo logs.
  5. Remove these lines from end of trace file RECOVER DATABASE ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG ALL; ALTER DATABASE OPEN;
  6. copy hotbackup files only (do not copy online redo logs) to test file directories.
  7. remove all online redo logs and control files for test instance.
  8. make sure number of rollback segments in init.ora for test instance matches number of rollback segments in prod.
  9. from svrmgrl or sqlplus

@<edited trace_file>

  1. issue following command: recover using backup controlfile until cancel;
  2. when prompted for archive redo log, ftp it over from production to test (renaming it appropriately).
  3. apply as many arhive redo logs that you feel you want
  4. CANCEL (this ends recovery) if you get error, then you need apply more logs (see 10).
  5. alter database open resetlogs;

This will recreate online redo logs and startup the database;

This is a proven procedure.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 9:35 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Hi lists,

I need to refresh a test database from production. (test1 from prod1 db)

I took the hotbackup files and online redo logs. I created the controlfile using these files. After that I performed recovery.

Here I applied online logs instead of archive logs. (There are 7 grous of online redo logs each contains 3 members). When I tried to open the db, it asked that datafile needs recovery.

I applied online redo log instead of archive log. The next day I observed that indexes got corrupted (This msg is from another dba group who are working with this new test database)

My doubt is : applying online redo logs instead of archive logs lead to this index corruption?

can anybody come across such any situation. Now I need to do refresh again in another way applying archive logs.

Thnx and regards,


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Author: Molina, Gerardo
Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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