The creation of the new tablespace (using a tempfile)
will be virtually instantaneous - so what will matter
is the time to drop the original one. You could
probably get away with drop-then-create, but your
latter option is probably the safest.
- David Wagoner <>
wrote: > What is the best way to convert a
> TEMP tablespace to
> locally managed?
> Here's my situation, I created an 8.1.7 database
> with all dictionary-managed
> tablespaces. Then, I converted all tablespaces to
> locally managed, except
> SYSTEM and TEMP. The conversion packaged refused to
> convert TEMP to LMT so
> it seems that I must drop the TEMP tablespace and
> re-create it as LMT. My
> question is, do I need to create an intermediate,
> like TEMP2, and point
> everything to it while I'm dropping and re-creating
> Thanks for your advice,
> david
> David B. Wagoner
> Database Administrator
> Arsenal Digital Solutions Worldwide Inc.
> 4815 Emperor Blvd., Suite 110
> Durham, NC 27703
> Tel. (919) 941-4645
> Fax (919) 474-0735
> Email <>
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