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RE: Anybody have an opinion on!

From: Thomas, Kevin <>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 03:39:44 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Well I'll not bother with this reply then ;o)


-----Original Message-----

Sent: 12 December 2001 17:06
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L


There are two versions of SQLExpert - Pro & Dev.

Pro gives full functionality, allowing a DBA to scan the SGA for offensive SQL (SQL Inspector), and source files etc. (SQL Scanner), as well as object DDL extraction (Object Extractor). This version is priced at £3,285 for a single copy.

Dev provides all of the SQL / PL/SQL creation, optimisation etc. but doesn't provide the interactive collection modules and alike, as a developer doesn't really need that functionality. You can only buy Dev in "Packs" though, starting with a pack of 3 clients priced at £3,695.

As I mentioned, you only have to buy the client though - so you can touch any Oracle (or Sybase, SQLServer or DB2 if you are that way inclined ;P) database within your environment. The Sybase version is now only available through Sybase themselves though (It's now branded as Sybase SQLExpert, like Sybase Central).

Let me know if you want to try it out Kevin - I can either send you a CD or you can download it from our site (only available through an emailed link).



-----Original Message-----

Sent: 12 December 2001 16:21
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Hey Mark,

What is the cost for licensing on this product?

"my computer beat me at chess but i won when it came to kick boxing."

Kevin Thomas
Technical Analyst
Deregulation Services
Calanais Ltd.
(2nd Floor East - Weirs Building)
Tel: 0141 568 2377
Fax: 0141 568 2366

-----Original Message-----

Sent: 12 December 2001 15:15
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Hi Dick,

My opinion on this tool is extremely high - considering it is in fact not a competitor, but one of the tools we sell :)

You won't find it listed on our web site, though it's sister tool (SQLExpert) is listed. My personal opinion is that there is no other tool in the market place that can rival what SQL/DBExpert can provide! Even *after* looking at the competition in depth at the UKOUG on Monday.

To give you an idea of what it does:

Harvest your SQL / PL/SQL code from the system you are interested in (either from memory, source code, binary files etc.. through a scan or SQL monitor) then submit it to the optimisation engine - which will re-write the SQL statement in as many, semantically equivalent, statements as is possible to return the same output. It will then scan this new set of statements, and show you all of those with alternate execution plans, run them through a batch process to find those with better response/elapsed times, and bingo you have a fully tuned statement. No other tool in the market will actually do this - they add the major hints and alike, and tell you to analyse, or create indexes etc.. I've seen SQLExpert take a SQL statement that did a select from a view, rewrite the view in to the actual statement against the underlying tables, and come back with a 40-45% improvement on response times!

It also handles PL/SQL debugging, stored outlines etc. It's priced on a per client basis, so you don't have to buy a license for every instance/server that you want to tune, and it's easy to install and use.

To sum up - if you want a SQL *optimisation* tool, then go with SQL/DBExpert! We only sell what we consider to be best of breed tools that are in the market place, as long as they are easy to install/use, and reasonably priced. SQLExpert fitted the bill for us, and it is going down VERY well in the UK market place!

There is plenty of info on both, and for the tools, but if you want any further info, give me a shout direct and I'll see if I can answer any further questions that you have.



-----Original Message-----
Sent: 12 December 2001 13:00
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L


    I found an e-mail in my inbox this morning from my boss about a product called Lecco DB Expert( Anybody ever use this one or
have an opinion?


    Since this is a competitor to Cool-Tools your welcome to get up on the soap

Dick Goulet

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Author: Mark Leith

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Author: Thomas, Kevin
Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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