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OT : Listers met at OOW

From: John Kanagaraj <>
Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2001 15:06:56 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Dear all,

I had promised a few people on the list that I would send an update about Listers meeting at OOW, so here goes!

A few of us got together at a Chevy's restaurant near Moscone for a chance to say hello and put a face to a name. This included Steve 'Guru' Adams (yes - *the* Steve A all the way from Downunder), Rachel 'DBA Godess' Carmichael, Gaja 'Tuning 101' Vaidyanatha, Kirti 'Tuning 101' Deshpande, Ari 'Pocket DBA' Kaplan, Steve 'now in Montana' Orr, Jeremiah '' Wilton, Kevin 'Tap-key' Toepke, Gopala 'X$' Krishnan, Jonathan 'OReilly' Gennick, Gerardo 'local_at_Schwab' Molina and John 'sleepless_at_SanJose' Kanagaraj. We did miss Eric 'Google-gunner' Pierce though!

Starting off with a first round of free drinks from Ari (c/o Expand Beyond - thanks Ari!), everyone settled in to talk and listen and order and eat, amidst swapping stories of glory and honor and sleepless nights recovering the Db as well as horror stories of layoffs and interviewing clueless candidates. Also swapped were details of X$ tables and other UNIX internal structures (who can do without those!) as well as hunting and other adventure trips. Ari showed us some cool toys (were there more than two Pocket PCs on you, Ari?) and we all 'Oohed' and 'Aahed' over them.. Steve A's birthday was celebrated in usual Chevy's style with the gift of a straw hat and special birthday-boy dessert (although he claimed that his birthday was actually today as per Australian time!). That was the signal for us to start splitting - we would have continued through the night if the restaurant didn't have to close up....

John Kanagaraj
Oracle Applications DBA
DBSoft Inc
(W): 408-970-7002

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