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Please ignore the previous post. It turned out that
one of the indices on the partitioned table was not
partitioned locally. That's what I was missing
- Gene Gurevich <g_u_r_e_v_i_c_h_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm getting ora-14098 error when executing the
> following command:
> alter table rptg_cnt exchange partition p200107 with
> table xchg_rptg_cnt including indexes.
> Usually when I see this error it means that either
> an
> index is missing on one of the tables or there is
> some
> discrepancy in terms of field order. This time
> around
> I can't see any difference. When I execute
> SQL> select table_name, index_name, column_name
> 2 from user_ind_columns
> 3 where table_name like '%RPTG_CNT'
> 4 order by 1,2,column_position asc;
> I see the same three indices with the same fields in
> each in the same order. I did a desc on both tables
> and all the fields have the same attributes. What am
> I
> missing here? Any ideas?
> thanks
> =====
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Author: Gene Gurevich
INET: g_u_r_e_v_i_c_h_at_yahoo.com
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Received on Fri Sep 14 2001 - 10:03:29 CDT