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Re:the world as we know it is over

From: <>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 09:31:59 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Regardless of their nationality, religious beliefs, etc., those who plan to commit suicide attacks have already come to a decision regarding their personal fates. I have no moral, philosophical or ethical compunction about assisting them in achieving that ultimate destiny, albeit slightly earlier than they had planned, and without the loss of additional lives.

David A. Barbour
Oracle DBA, OCP

                    om                   To:     Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L 
                    Sent by:             cc:                                           
                    root_at_fatcity.c       Subject:     Re:the world as we know it is 
                    10:55 AM                                                           
                    Please respond                                                     
                    to ORACLE-L                                                        


    Regrettably you've had no drugs or other stuff that will make this a dream.
The towers are down and even David can't bring them back. The folks on Public
Radio are talking about our world being forever changed, like that doesn't happen every day!

    What has happen has happen due to some real subhuman individuals who didn't
even consider their own safety. Why did it happen is a question that will be
asked many times in the near future with no real answers. Part of how it happen
is rooted in our American way of life which will change for a time, but I'll bet
returns. We love our individual freedom and privacy, which I for one would not
appreciate seeing changed. Sure security at airports will tighten up again, no
doubt a few heads of security firms that do those checks, will 'roll' in the
next few days. And it may take longer to get the an airplane in the future.
But would you want it any other way? I'd hate to have to fill out a pile of
government forms to get a pass to travel from New Hampshire to New York, but
that's the alternative and exactly what those who destroyed the WTC want. Well,
I say "Damn them to hell." Lets investigate this mess, find the real culprits
be they an individual, a country, or an organization and then go after them with
the precision of a brain surgeon. Let us get the culprits while leaving all of
the innocents around them unharmed, not in a similar manner that these subhumans

    And for those of Islamic belief, no I do not connect you with this by association. I'll go back to a statement made to me by a very wise old priest,
and my apologies to all if the term hits a raw nerve please take the entire statement in context, but he stated:

"Niggers come in all colors, creeds, and races. To equate that to those of dark
skin only is the worst of all sins."

Consequently I believe the following interpretation is also valid:

"Terrorists come in all colors, creeds, races and nationalities. To equate that
to those of Arab tradition gives the terrorist his greatest victory."

Dick Goulet

____________________Reply Separator____________________
Author: "Rachel Carmichael" <>
Date:       9/11/2001 4:12 PM

Would someone please tell me that we all took major drugs and will wake up tomorrow with really bad hangovers and the towers will be back>

I work about a mile from what used to be my symbol of home...... Smoke is STILL there, third building collapsed, fires are still raging.

I do not understand a mind that could conceive of and execute such a plan.

As far as I know, everyone I know who worked in those buildings is safe. But
I don't know where everyone I know works.

A friend's mom worked in one, halfway in to work today she turned around and
decided to call in sick.

Same friend's husband is a Port Authority cop (the PA owned and ran those buildings).... his beat was those buildings. It wasn't his shift.

I have more stories like that.

I know I live in a dangerous world. In a dangerous city. But this is surreal. I keep expecting David Copperfield to say "tada" and have the buildings reappear. didn't he make the Statue of Liberty disappear once?

I need a hug. And a very STIFF drink.

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Author: Rachel Carmichael

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Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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