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Have you tried a function-based index yet? (8i) You'll need to grant query rewrite privilege to the user creating the index.
Lisa Koivu
Glorified Typist and DBA
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA
-----Original Message-----
From: Farnsworth, Dave [] Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:05 AM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: RE: nvl not using index
Big Planet wrote
>-I am writing this proc does a search in database based on these in parameters and returns a ref cursor . Now one more of these in parameters can be null and my query should return data neglecting null parameters . So I use nvl in the query as shown below
Big Planet, small print,,, coincidence??
-----Original Message-----
From: Big Planet []
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 5:20 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: nvl not using index
Hi All ,
I am writing this proc does a search in database based on these in parameters and returns a ref cursor . Now one more of these in parameters can be null and my query should return data neglecting null parameters . So I use nvl in the query as shown below .
Now my problem is , the query doesnt use index available on table since i m using a function .
Is there any way I can rewrite this query so that it meets my requirements and use the index . I have other option is to create a dynamic sql based on in parameters .
TIA for any help .
PROCEDURE get_alertlog ( p_loginid varchar2 ,
p_startdate date,
p_firstname varchar2 ,
p_enddate date ,
p_status out number,
p_msg out varchar2,
p_refcursor out c_refcursor )
open p_refcursor for
select logpin , logtype , logaction , logdate , memberpin
FROM mem
WHERE loginid =nvl(p_loginid , loginid )
AND logdate between nvl(p_startdate,to_date('1-jan-1900','dd-mon-rrrr') )
And firstname = nvl( p_firstname , firstname )
and nvl(p_enddate , sysdate ) ;
End ; Received on Tue Sep 11 2001 - 09:13:24 CDT